Additional files for the articles
Global configurations of singularities of quadratic differential systems

Joan C. Artés, Jaume Llibre, Alex C. Rezende, Dana Schlomiuk, Nicolae Vulpe

In this family of papers we classify all configurations of finite and infinite singularities of quadratic differential systems, with respect to the geometric equivalence relation. The notion of the geometric equivalence relation of configurations of singularities allows us to incorporate all the important geometric features which can be expressed in purely algebraic terms, for instance the distinction between a focus and a node.

For this classification we use the notion of invariant and comitant polynomials which is described in the articles. For the reader's reference, we provide here a set of Mathematica files which allows to verify all the mathematical proves in the articles.

We also provide here a Mathematica file containing all the examples for each of the studied classes.

We do not add here the papers due to the copyright, but we place only the extra files in the original form (Mathematica) with some helpful comments. The original form is given in zipped form to reduce space.

Please note that some of the files are very large and may take a lot of time to download. They are consequently even bigger once unzipped. We have added the size of the files both zipped and unzipped so to warn you before downloading them.

Mathematica file (invariants) containing all the need formulas for the invariants (508Kb/7.781Kb)

The table below presents a set of files refering to the examples for each family of quadratic differential systems split into the configuration of the finite singularities.

Finite multiplicity Configuration of the finite singularities Link
0 - Mathematica file (14Kb/274Kb)
1 p Mathematica file (20Kb/444Kb)
2 p+q Mathematica file (50Kb/1.409Kb)
2 2p Mathematica file (14Kb/281Kb)
2 pc+qc Mathematica file (10Kb/137Kb)
3 3p Mathematica file (9Kb/165Kb)
3 2p+q Mathematica file (22Kb/599Kb)
3 p+qc+rc Mathematica file (32Kb/767Kb)
3 p+q+r Mathematica file (104Kb/2.261Kb)
4 4p Mathematica file (15Kb/256Kb)
4 3p+q Mathematica file (52Kb/1.624Kb)
4 2p+2q Mathematica file (18Kb/326Kb)
4 2pc+2qc Mathematica file (11Kb/171Kb)
4 2p+qc+rc ( under work) Mathematica file (--Kb/--Kb)
4 2p+q+r ( under work) Mathematica file (--Kb/--Kb)
4 pc+qc+rc+sc ( under work) Mathematica file (--Kb/--Kb)
4 p+q+rc+sc ( under work) Mathematica file (--Kb/--Kb)
4 p+q+r+s ( under work) Mathematica file (--Kb/--Kb)

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