Departament de Matemàtiques |
Phone: | +34 93 581 1395 |
Email: | last name, then |
Member of the BGSMath
My main research interests are in Category Theory, Homotopy Theory, and Algebraic Geometry, but I am also interested in structural aspects of Combinatorics, Mathematical Physics, Logic, and Theoretical Computer Science.
Publications Upcoming talks Community Math pages (not up to date)
2021-06-25: | New paper with Rune Haugseng, ∞-operads as symmetric monoidal ∞-categories, now on the arXiv. |
2021-05-14: | Conference paper with Nicolas Behr, Tracelet Hopf algebras and decomposition spaces, now on the ArXiv. |
2021-03-24: | My student Wilson Forero has just finished his paper Gálvez-Kock-Tonks conjecture for discrete decomposition spaces, where he proves the first case of the conjecture! |
2021-01-18: | David Spivak and I organise an online Workshop on Polynomial Functors, to take place March 15–19 |
2020-12-18: | My student Alex Cebrian has defended his PhD thesis Combinatorics of plethysm via Segal groupoids and operads. |
2020-09-25 | My student Alex Cebrian will defend his PhD thesis on Friday 18/12. |
2020-05-12: | New paper, Elements of Petri nets and processes, now on the arXiv. |
2019-12-29: | The first volume of Compositionality is out! |
2019-12-26: | New paper, The incidence comodule bialgebra of the Baez-Dolan construction, now on the arXiv. |
2019-07-03: | New paper: Operads of (noncrossing) partitions, interacting bialgebras, and moment-cumulant relations with Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard, Loïc Foissy, and Frédéric Patras, now on the arXiv. |
2019-06-15: | My student Louis Carlier has defended his PhD thesis Objective combinatorics through decomposition spaces. |
Old news |