Infinity-operads as polynomial monads Classical operads can fruitfully be regarded as monoids in the monoidal category of species/analytic functors under the substitution product. We establish an infinity version of this interpretation by developing the theory of polynomial functors over infinity categories. In the infinity world, analytic functors enjoy a representability feature not shared by classical analytic functors and operads: they are polynomial. We give a description of the free monad on an analytic endofunctor in terms of trees, and prove a nerve theorem implying that the infinity category of analytic monads is equivalent to the infinity category of dendroidal Segal spaces of Cisinski and Moerdijk, one of the known equivalent models for infinity operads. A byproduct of the development is a Joyal theorem for homotopical species. This is joint work with David Gepner and Rune Haugseng.