M. Alberich-Carramiñana, J. Guàrdia,
E. Nart,
J. Roé.
Valuative trees over valued fields.
J. Algebra, 614, 71-114. 2023.
F. Bars, M. Kamel, A. Schweizer.
Bielliptic quotient modular curves of {$X_0(N)$}.
Math. Comp., 92(340), 895-929. 2023.
E. N. Maria Alberich-Carramiñana,
J. Roé.
Valuations with an infinite limit-depth.
Commun. Algebra, 1-12. 2023.
E. Nart, J. Novacoski.
Geometric parametrization of valuations on a polynomial ring in one variable.
Math. Z., 304(4), Paper No. 59, 21. 2023.
E. Nart, J. Novacoski.
The defect formula.
Adv. Math., 428, Paper No. 109153, 44. 2023.
A. Bandini,
F. Bars, E. Coscelli.
Fitting ideals of class groups in Carlitz-Hayes cyclotomic extensions.
J. Number Theory, 232, 261-282. 2022.
F. Bars, T. Dalal.
Infinitely many cubic points for {$X_0^+(N)$} over {$\Bbb q$}.
Acta Arith., 206(4), 373-388. 2022.
M. Fornea, X. Guitart,
M. Masdeu.
Plectic {$p$}-adic invariants.
Adv. Math., 406, Paper No. 108484, 26. 2022.
J. Guàrdia,
E. Nart.
Square-free {OM} computation of global integral bases.
ALGEBR NUMBER THEORY, 16(6), 1327-1376. 2022.
F. Kuhlmann,
E. Nart.
Cuts and small extensions of abelian ordered groups.
J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 226(11), Paper No. 107103, 30. 2022.
E. Nart.
Rigidity of valuative trees under henselization.
Pacific J. Math., 319(1), 189-211. 2022.
J. Roé, T. Szemberg.
On the number of vertices of Newton-Okounkov polygons.
Rev. Mat. Iberoam., 38(5), 1383-1397. 2022.
M. Alberich-Carramiñana, A. F. F. Boix, J. Fernández, J. Guàrdia,
E. Nart,
J. Roé.
Of limit key polynomials.
Illinois J. Math., 65(1), 201-229. 2021.
E. Badr,
F. Bars.
Bielliptic smooth plane curves and quadratic points.
Int. J. Number Theory, 17(4), 1047-1066. 2021.
F. Bars, J. González.
The automorphism group of the modular curve {$X_0^*(N)$} with square-free level.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 374(8), 5783-5803. 2021.
F. Bars, J. González,
X. Xarles.
Hyperelliptic parametrizations of {$\Bbb{Q}$} curves.
Ramanujan J., 56(1), 103-120. 2021.
M. Dumnicki, B. Harbourne,
J. Roé, T. Szemberg, H. Tutaj-Gasińska.
Unexpected surfaces singular on lines in {$\Bbb p^3$}.
Eur. J. Math., 7(2), 570-590. 2021.
F. Gatti, X. Guitart,
M. Masdeu, V. Rotger.
Special values of triple-product {$p$}-adic {$L$}-functions and non-crystalline diagonal classes.
J. Theor. Nombr. Bordx., 33(3, part 1), 809-834. 2021.
X. Guitart,
M. Masdeu,
X. Xarles.
A quaternionic construction of {$p$}-adic singular moduli.
Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 8(3), Paper No. 45, 20. 2021.
A. Küronya, C. Maclean,
J. Roé.
Concave transforms of filtrations and rationality of Seshadri constants.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 374(12), 8309-8332. 2021.