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This is a very preliminary version of the new website of "Grup de Sistemes Dinàmics de la UAB"

For the moment only a few pages are available.

Jaroslav Smítal (Silesian University of Opava, Czech Republic) passed away March 9th, 2022 (10-03-2022)

The registration period for participating in the conference "New Trends on bifurcations in ordinary differential equations" is closed. [www] (31-07-2022)

The registration period for participating in the fourth edition of the conference "Advances in Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations" will be open in the middle of September. It will be held in Port de Sóller, Mallorca, from the 6th to the 10th of February, 2023. [www] (31-07-2022)

The 2023 edition of the Barcelona Dynamical System Prize is already open. The deadline finishes March 31, 2023. [www] (01-11-2022)

O. M. Sharkovsky (Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) passed away yesterday. [www] (22-11-2022)
