Author: Eduard Vilalta Vila
Title: The range problem and dimenson theory for the Cuntz Semigroup
Date: 2022/06/21
Advisor: Francesc Perera
Author: Álvaro Sánchez Madrigal
Title: On the relation between homology and K-theory for étale gropoids
Date: 2022/04/25
Advisor: Pere Ara and Joan Bosa
Author: Juan Luis Durán Batalla
Title: Deformation and representations of low dimensional non-orientable hyperbolic manifolds
Date: 2021/10/05
Advisor: Joan Porti
Author: Alex Cebrian Galan
Title: Combinatorics of plethysm via Segal groupoids and operads
Date: 2020/12/18
Advisor: Joachim Kock
Author: Lauren Cantier
Title: A new invariant for the classification of C* algebras
Date: 2019/10/02
Advisor: Ramon Antoine and Francesc Perera
Author: Louis Carlier
Title: Objective Combinatorics through descomposition spaces
Date: 2019/06/14
Advisor: Joachim Kock
Author: Joan Claramunt Caros
Title: Silvester matrix rank functions on crossed products and the Atiyah problem
Date: 2018/12/05
Advisor: Pere Ara
Author: Ricard Riba Garcia
Title: Trivial 2-cocylces for invariants of mod p homology spheres and Perron’s conjecture
Date: 2018/09/27
Advisor: Wofgang Pitsch
Author: María Teresa García Gálvez
Title: Compactification of actions on products Cat(-1) spaces
Date: 2018/09/18
Advisor: Joan Porti