You will find updated information about my teaching in the Campus Virtual (restricted to UAB students).
- Computer Tools (Degree in Applied Statistics).
- Preparatory course: Mathematics (Sciences Degrees).
- Linear Algebra (Degree in Computational Mathematics and Data Analytics).
- Linear Algebra (Degree in Mathematics).
- Algorithmics and Combinatorics in Graphs. Heuristic Methods (Degree in Computational Mathematics and Data Analytics).
- Optimization (Master’s Degree in Modelling for Science and Engineering).
- Mathematics and Big Data (Master’s Degree in Modelling for Science and Engineering).
- Master thesis advised:
- Pere Camps, Airfoil Optimisation with Genetic Algorithm. (coadvised with Lluís Alsedà)
- Degree thesis advised:
- Arnau Mas Dorca, Topological data analysis and persistent homology.
- Roger Ramírez Bernal, Geometry of Vietoris-Rips complexes with an application to unsupervised learning. (coadvised with Isabel Serra)