Lluis Alseda i Soler
Home Page of Lluís Alsedà

Departament de Matemàtiques
Edifici Cc
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 - Cerdanyola del Vallès
Barcelona, SPAIN

Office: C1/118
Phone: 34-935813071
Fax: 34-935812790


I also have a Home Page in the Web of the Grup de Sistemes Dinàmics de la UAB (http://www.gsd.uab.cat)

Fields of Interest

Mainly, discrete dynamical systems.

I am also interested in complex dynamics and in the applications of dynamical systems, modeling and numerical methods.

Research page


Docència del curs
Primer semestre
Segon semestre

  • Equacions Diferencials i Modelització I (Grau de Matemàtiques i doble Grau de Matemàtiques i Fisica, 3er curs)
  • Càlcul numèric (optativa del Grau de Matemàtiques i del doble Grau de Matemàtiques i Fisica)

Materials docents Scripting Course


Slides of delivered talks Pictures
Applets and movies on the logistic map LaTeX styles, Bash scripts and
Debian system configuration utilities
My efficiency aiming implementation of the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg-Simo of orders 78 in Cnot++ (version 2.2)
My improved efficiency aiming implementation of the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg-Simo of orders 78 in Cnot++ (version 3.0)
Other links


Pictures, talks and presentations in the Special Sessions on
Topological and Combinatorial Dynamics
at the
AIMS Conferences on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications
9th AIMS Conference (Orlando, Florida, USA)
July 1 - 5, 2012
10th AIMS Conference (Madrid, Spain)
July 7-11, 2014
International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications (ICDEA2012), Barcelona, July 23 - 27, 2012
NEW TRENDS IN DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS (NTDS2012), Salou, October 1 - 5, 2012