Warren Dicks, Peter H. Kropholler, Ian J. Leary and Simon Thomas
Classifying spaces for proper actions of locally finite groups.
J. Group Theory, 5 (2002), 453-480.


May 30, 2002

Let  n \in \mathbb{N}\cup\{\infty\}, and r \in \mathbb{N}\cup\{-1\}.

Geometric dimension

If there exists an n-dimensional EG (that is, a contractible n-dimensional G-CW-complex on which G acts freely), we say that the geometric dimension of G  is at most n.  In a natural way, this defines the geometric dimension of G,
gd G \in \mathbb{N}\cup\{\infty\}.

It is easy to show that gd G \ge cdR G, for each ring R.

Notice that Theorem 2.4 (in the case where each \cal X\alpha consists of the trivial subgroup of G) says that, if G is the union of a well ordered continuous chain of subgroups of geometric dimension at most  n, then G itself has geometric dimension at most n+1.

It  follows, by induction on \aleph-rank(G), that, if

      \aleph-rank(H) \le =>  gd H \le  n, for each subgroup H of G,


      gd G  \le  \aleph-rank(G) -  r  +  n.

For r = -1, this says that, if G  is locally of geometric dimension at most  n, then

      gd \le  \aleph-rank(G) + 1 + n.

For n = 1, this says that, if G is locally free, then gd G \le \aleph-rank(G) + 2.   This may be an inefficient estimate as it is an open problem to decide whether every  locally free group has geometric dimension at most 2.

Proper geometric dimension

Similarly, if there is an n-dimensional EG (that is, a contractible n-dimensional G-CW-complex on which G acts with finite stabilizers, so that the fixed point set for every finite subgroup is contractible), say that the proper geometric dimension of G or gd G  is at most n.

It may be shown that this satisfies gd G  \ge cd{\mathbb{Q}}G, where \mathbb{Q} denotes the rationals.

Theorem 2.4 (in the case where each \cal X\alpha consists of all the finite subgroups of G\alpha) says that, if G is the union of a well ordered continuous chain of subgroups of proper geometric dimension at most  n, then G itself has proper geometric dimension at most n+1.

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