My research field is Differential Geoemtry. In particular
I've done some work on Integral Geometry and also in Theory of
- Gallego, E. and Reventós, A..
Lie flows of codimension $3$.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 326(2), 1991, pp. 529-541.
- Gallego, E. and Gualandri, L. and Hector, G. and Reventós,
Groupoïdes riemanniens.
Publ. Mat., 33(3), 1989, pp. 417-422.
- Gallego, E. and Reventós, A..
Asymptotic behavior of convex sets in the hyperbolic plane.
J. Differential Geom., 21(1), 1985, pp. 63-72.
- Gallego, Eduardo and Reventós, Agustí.
Asymptotic behaviour of $\lambda$-convex
sets in the hyperbolic plane.
Geom. Dedicata, 76(3), 1999, pp. 275-289.
- Gallego, Eduardo and Reventós, Agustí.
Curvature and plane fields.
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math., 306(15),
1988, pp. 675-679.
- El Kacimi Alaoui, Aziz and Gallego Gómez, Eduardo.
Applications harmoniques feuilletées.
Illinois J. Math., 40(1), 1996, pp. 115-122.
- El Kacimi Alaoui, Aziz and Gallego Gómez, Eduardo.
Introdución al Análisis Funcional.
Reverté, Barcelona, 1994.
- E. Gallego and G. Solanes.
Perimeter, diameter and area of convex
sets in the hyperbolic plane.
Jour. of the London Math. Soc., 64, nº 1 (2001), 161-178.
- A.A. Borisenko, E. Gallego and A. Reventós.
Relation between area and volume for
$\lambda$-convex sets in Hadamard manifolds.
Differential Geometry and its applications, 13, nº 3 (2001), 267-280
- E. Gallego, A.M. Naveira and G. Solanes
Horospheres and convex bodies in the
n-dimensional hyperbolic space.
Geom. Dedicata, 103 (2004) 103-114.
- Eduardo Gallego and Gil Solanes.
Integral geometry and geometric inequalities in hyperbolic space.
Differential Geom. Appl., 22(3):315-325, 2005.
- J.Abardia and E.Gallego
Asymptotic behaviour of $\lambda$-convex sets in
the complex hyperbolic space
Preprint 2007.
- E.Gallego, A.Reventós, G.Solanes, and E.Teufel.
Width of convex bodies in spaces of constant curvature.
Manuscripta Mathematica, 126(1):115-134, May 2008.
- E.Gallego, A.Reventós, G.Solanes, and E.Teufel.
A kinematic formula for the total absolute curvature
of intersections.
Preprint 2008.
- E.Gallego, A.Reventós, G.Solanes, and E.Teufel.
Horospheres in hyperbolic geometry.
Preprint 2008.
- E. Gallego
Convexity in hyperbolic spaces.
Slides, International
Congress on Differential Geometry in memory of Alfred Gary, Bilbao 2000.
- E. Gallego
Superfícies d'àrea mínima i
bombolles de sabó..
Slides (in catalan), 2002
- E. Gallego
Una mica de geometria
integral hiperbòlica..
Slides (in catalan), 2002
- E. Gallego
Comportament asimptòtic de convexes al pla hiperbòlic (in catalan).
Homenatge a L.A. Santaló, 2002
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