Barcelona Algebraic Topology Group Barcelona Algebraic Topology Group Tue, 07 Feb 2023 07:50:45 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Friday's Topology Seminar 2021-2022 There are no translations available.
Speaker: Luca Pol (University of Regensburg)
The universal property of bispans
Room Seminar C3b (C3b/158)
Thursday Seotember 23rd, 9:30

Abstract: Many algebraic definitions and constructions can be made in a derived or homotopy invariant setting and as such make sense for ring spectra. Dwyer-Greenlees-Iyengar (followed by Barthel-Heard-Valenzuela) showed that one can make sense of local Gorenstein duality for ring spectra. In this talk, I will show that cochain spectra C*(BG;R) satisfy local Gorenstein duality surprisingly often, and explain some of the implications of this. When R=k is a field this recovers duality properties in modular representation theory conjectured by Benson and later proved by Benson-Greenlees. However, the result also applies to more exotic coefficients R such as Lubin-Tate theories, K-theory spectra or topological modular forms, showing that chromatic analogues of Benson’s conjecture also hold. This is joint work with Jordan Williamson.

See the calendar for upcoming events.
]]> (Natàlia Castellana Vila) frontpage Tue, 21 Sep 2021 17:35:26 +0000
Presentation There are no translations available.

This is the web site of the Algebraic Topology Team in Barcelona (Grup de Topologia Algebraica de Barcelona, 2014SGR-42 and Homotopy theory of algebraic structures, MTM2016-80439-P).

Our research interests include a variety of subjects in algebraic topology, group theory, homological algebra, and category theory. Here you will find information about us and our common activities.

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