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Barcelona Algebraic Topology Group

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Advanced Lectures in Homotopy Theory 2016
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From 5th to 8th of September 2016, a series of lectures will be given by two speakers to give an exposition of their research.  The lectures will take place in room A1 of the CRM.

Tilman Bauer: Dieudonné theory for unstable operations
Ergun Yalçin: Finite group actions on homotopy spheres

Tentative schedule

Monday 5th
11:30-12:30 Yalçin
15:00-16:00 Bauer

Tuesday 6th
10:00-11:00 Bauer
11:30-12:30 Yalçin

Wednesday 7th
10:00-11:00 Yalçin
11:30-12:30 Bauer

Thursday 8th
10:00-12:30 TBA (question session)

Organizer: Natàlia Castellana

The XI Spanish Group Theory meeting starts on Thursday afternoon in Barcelona,

Acte en ocasió de la jubilació de Manuel Castellet
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El divendres 27 de juny a la tarda tindrà lloc a la seu de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (carrer del Carme, 47) un acte en ocasió de la jubilació del Dr. Manuel Castellet, organitzat conjuntament pel Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, l'IEC i el Departament de Matemàtiques de la UAB. L’acte es desenvoluparà segons el programa següent:

16.00-16.15: Parlaments institucionals

16.15-17.45: Manuel Castellet: una visió acadèmica i humana; a càrrec de Jaume Aguadé, Joaquim Bruna, Carles Casacuberta i Sebastià Xambó

17.45-18.30: Pausa cafè

18.30-19.30: Conferència de Guido Mislin (Ohio State University i ETH Zürich) amb el títol "Bounded Cohomology and Flat Bundles"

Seguidament, a partir de les 21.00 celebrarem un sopar a l'Hotel Avenida Palace.

Advanced Course on Flag Manifolds and Schubert Calculus
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Duan Haibao (Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) is giving an advanced course on Flag Manifolds and Schubert Calculus.

Abstract: In the context of Schubert calculus, we present an approach to the cohomology rings of flag manifolds G/P that is free of the types of the Lie group G and the parabolic subgroup P.

The lecture consists of five sections with the following titles:
§1. Introduction to Enumerative Geometry
§2. Topology of Bott manifolds
§3. Lie groups and their Cartan matrix
§4. Schubert calculus
§5. Application: computation with flag manifolds

You can download the notes of the lectures.

Place and dates: The course will take place between April 8 and April 12 from 14:30 to 17:00 at the A2 seminar of the CRM.

If any attendant wants to give a talk, please contact with Wolfgang Pitsch ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ).

Lectures by Andrew Chermak
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Speaker: Andrew Chermak (Kansas State University)
Title: The Normal Structure of Linking Systems
Dates: June 18th, 19th and 20th, 2012.
Hour: 12:00
Place: Room C3b-158, Facultat de Ciències, UAB.
We consider two problems connected with a partial normal subgroup N if a locality L.
(1) Is there a "quotient locality" L/N ?
(2) Is it possible to endow N with the structure of a locality, in such a way that that the inclusion of N in L is a homomorphism of partial groups ?
A complete answer to the first question will be provided, and a partial answer to the second.

Beyond p-compact groups
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All lectures will be at room C3b-158

Tentative program:

Monday 21st: Warming up: Meeting and welcome!

15:00  Nitu Kitchloo, Problems on the homotopy theory of Kac-Moody groups (I)

Tuesday 22nd: Kac-Moody's day
10:15  Nitu Kitchloo, Problems on the homotopy theory of Kac-Moody groups (II)
15:00 Albert Ruiz, Cohomology of Kac-Moody groups over finite fields
Afternoon: discussion time

Wednesday 23rd:
10:15 Jérôme Scherer, Homotopy nilpotence
11:45 Tilman Bauer, Dieudonné theory for Morava K-theory
Afternoon: discussion time

Thursday 24th: p-stuff's day
11:15  Carles Broto, Algebraic structure on finite loop spaces
15:00  Natalia Castellana, Beyond the classification of p-compact groups (problems on the theory of p-compact groups)
Afternoon: discussion time

Friday 25th:
10:00 Jesper Grodal (Friday's seminar talk)

Organizer: Natàlia Castellana

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