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Barcelona Algebraic Topology Group

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Lectures on triangulated categories
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Henning Krause (Bielefeld) is giving three talks on his joint work with Benson and Iyengar on supports and local cohomology.

Monday, 17 Jan, 2011, 12:00 (CRM auditorium)
Stratifying triangulated categories, I
Basic concepts, examples, results

Thursday, 20 Jan, 2011, 10:30 (CRM auditorium)
Stratifying triangulated categories, II
Representations of finite groups

Friday, 21 Jan, 2011, 9:30 (CRM auditorium)
Stratifying triangulated categories, III
Bousfield classes

Lectures on equivariant stable homotopy theory by Professor Stefan Schwede
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What: Lectures on equivariant stable homotopy theory

Who: Professor Stefan Schwede from the Universität Bonn

Where: Small lecture room, CRM

When: Wednesday 20th October, 11:30 - 1:30  and  Thursday 21st October,  2010, 9:30 - 11:30


Lecture notes from these lectures are available at

2010 Joint Mathematical Conference CSASC
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Aquesta trobada conjunta de les societats matemàtiques de Txèquia, Eslovàquia, Eslovènia, Austria i Catalunya tindrà lloc a Praga, del 22 al 27 de gener de 2010 i conté una secció sobre Categories Triangulades.

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XVI Encuentro de Topología in Almería
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On October 23th and 24th the XVI Encuentro de Topología will be held in Almería. The invited speakers are: Valentín Gregori (UPV), Vicente Muñoz (CSIC), Aniceto Murillo (UMA) and Rubén Sánchez (Düsseldorf).

Just before the "Encuentro" there will be an Advanced Course on Topological Quantum Field Theories . The lecturers are Joachim Kock (UAB), Andrey Lazarev (Leicester), Gregor Masbaum (Paris), Timothy Porter (Bangor) and Christoph Schweigert (Hamburg).

1990 Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology
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