J. Giné,
J. Torregrosa.
Limit cycles of homogeneous polynomial Kukles differential systems.
Preprint. October, 2024.
J. Llibre, A. C. T. Sánchez, D. J. Tonon.
Limit cycles of discontinuous piecewise differential systems formed by two rigid systems separated by a straight line.
Preprint. September, 2024.
J. Llibre, Y. P. Martinez-Mancilla, C. Valls.
On the dynamics of the Muthuswamy-Chua systems in $\mathbb R^3$.
Preprint. September, 2024.
J. Llibre, L. P. Serantola.
Hopf bifurcation for the prey-predator Rosenzweig-MacArthur model.
Preprint. September, 2024.
J. Llibre, A. Murza.
Darboux theory of integrability for real polynomial vector fields on the $n-$dimensional ellipsoid.
Preprint. September, 2024.
J. Llibre, T. Salhi.
The easiest polynomial differential systems in $\mathbb R^3$ having an invariant hyperboloid.
Preprint. September, 2024.
J. C. Artés, L. Cairó,
J. Llibre.
Phase portraits of the family IV of the quadratic polynomial differential systems.
Preprint. August, 2024.
M. R. A. Gouveia,
J. Llibre, L. A. Roberto.
Periodic orbits in a perturbed Henon-Heiles Hamiltonian system.
Preprint. August, 2024.
M. Belattar,
J. Llibre.
The global dynamics of a Rayleigh system.
Preprint. August, 2024.
J. C. Artés,
J. Llibre, D. Schlomiuk, N. Vulpe.
Codimension in planar polynomial differential systems.
Preprint. August, 2024.
A. Bakhshalizadeh,
J. Llibre, A. C. Rezende.
Global dynamics analysis of a class of quadratic polynomial differential systems with an invariant plane in $R^3$.
Preprint. August, 2024.
J. Llibre, H. Xiong, W. Zhang.
Algebraic limit cycles of planar discontinuous piecewise linear differential systems with an angular switching boundary.
Preprint. August, 2024.
J. Llibre, R. Tian.
The dynamics of a family of rigid polynomial differential systems of degree three.
Preprint. August, 2024.
J. Llibre, A. Makhlouf.
The zero-Hopf bifurcations of the quadratic polynomial differential jerk systems in ${{R}^3}$.
Preprint. July, 2024.
J. Llibre, C. A. B. Rodrigues.
Limit cycles for piecewise hybrid Hamiltonian differential systems.
Preprint. July, 2024.
C. A. Buzzi, D. J. Tonon,
J. Torregrosa.
Limit cycles for a piecewise polynomial potential perturbation of a symmetric 8-loop Hamiltonian.
Preprint. June, 2024.
V. Mañosa,
C. Pantazi.
Kahan-Hirota-Kimura maps preserving original cubic Hamiltonians.
Preprint. June, 2024.
P. Maesschalck,
J. Torregrosa.
Limit cycles and critical periods with non-hyperbolic slow-fast systems.
Preprint. June, 2024.
J. Llibre, R. Tian.
Phase portraits of cubic polynomial Kolmogorov differential systems having a rational first integral of degree three.
Preprint. May, 2024.
A. M. Escobar, L. Jiménez-Lara,
J. Llibre.
Two-center problem with harmonic-like interactions: periodic orbits and integrability.
Preprint. May, 2024.