L. P. C. Cruz, A. C. Rezende,
J. Torregrosa.
Coexistence of analytic and piecewise analytic limit cycles in planar piecewise quadratic differential systems.
To appear in Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst.
D. Djedid,
J. Llibre, A. Makhlouf.
4-Dimensional zero Hopf bifurcation of quadratic polynomial differential systems, via averaging theory.
To appear in J. Appl. Anal.
A. Gasull.
Las desigualdades isoperimétrica y de Wirtinger.
To appear in Gac. R. Soc. Mat. Esp.
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L. Jiménez-Lara,
J. Llibre.
The free Euler equations revisited.
To appear in Dyn. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Syst. Ser A: Math Anal.
D. Juher,
F. Mañosas,
D. Rojas.
Characterization of the tree cycles with minimum positive entropy for any period.
To appear in Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems
J. Llibre, R. A. T. Santos.
Limit cycles of discontinuous piecewise linear differential systems with two zones separated by a parabola.
To appear in Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B
D. Marín, L. Queiroz,
J. Villadelprat.
The period of the limit cycle bifurcating from a persistent polycycle.
To appear in Publ. Mat.