M. F. S. Lima,
J. Llibre.
The easiest polynomial differential system in ${{R}}^3$ having an invariant elliptic paraboloid.
Preprint. May, 2024.
A. C. Rezende, M. A. S. Santos,
J. Torregrosa.
Period function of planar reversible quadratic systems.
Preprint. May, 2024.
J. Llibre, B. R. de Freitas.
On the limit cycles bifurcating from the periodic orbits of the Hamiltonian system with Hamiltonian $H=(x^{2n}+y^{2n})/(2n)$.
Preprint. May, 2024.
J. Llibre, J. R. Moraes.
Analytic study of two limit cycles bifurcating from a zero-Hopf equilibrium.
Preprint. April, 2024.
J. Llibre, L. P. Serantola.
The easiest polynomial differential systems in ${{R}}^3$ having an invariant cylinder.
Preprint. April, 2024.
M. Álvarez-Ramírez,
J. Llibre.
Global phase portrait of a rolling motion of ships equation.
Preprint. March, 2024.
D. Marín,
J. Villadelprat.
The cyclicity of hyperbolic hemicycles.
Preprint. March, 2024.
J. C. Artés, C. Trullàs.
Quadratic differential systems with a weak focus of first order and a finite saddle-node.
Preprint. March, 2024.
J. Llibre, R. Tian.
On the invariant straight lines of the polynomial differential systems in ${{R}}^3$.
Preprint. February, 2024.
G. Dong,
J. Llibre.
The uniform isochronous centers with homogeneous nonlinearities of degree 5.
Preprint. January, 2024.
G. Dong,
J. Llibre.
Periodic orbits for an autonomous version of the Duffing-Holmes oscillator.
Preprint. January, 2024.
J. Llibre, R. Tian.
The easiest polynomial differential systems in ${{R}}^4$ having an invariant sphere.
Preprint. January, 2024.
J. Canela, V. Evdoridou, A. Garijo, X. Jarque.
Correction to: On the basins of attraction of a one-dimensional family of root finding algorithms: from Newton to Traub.
To appear in Math. Z.
M. Corbera, C. Valls.
Phase portraits of a generalized Liénard system with homogeneous nonlinearities.
Preprint. December, 2023.
W. Aziz, C. J. Christopher,
C. Pantazi, S. Walcher.
Liouvillian integrability of three dimensional vector fields.
Preprint. December, 2023.
J. Llibre, X. Zhang.
Periodic orbits and non-existence of $C^1$ first integrals for analytic differential systems exhibiting a zero-Hopf bifurcation in $R^3$.
Preprint. November, 2023.
J. Llibre, J. Yu.
Periodic orbits and $C^1$ non-integrability of the 3D van der Pol-Duffing oscillator system.
Preprint. November, 2023.
J. Llibre, C. Valls.
On the dynamics of the ACDM model of the universe.
Preprint. November, 2023.
J. Llibre, L. Baymout, R. Benterki.
Bifurcation of limit cycles in a class of discontinuous piecewise differential systems.
Preprint. October, 2023.
J. Llibre, Y. Zhao, S. Li.
On the index of an isolated equilibrium point for piecewise polynomial differential systems.
Preprint. October, 2023.