2283 publications found

L. Barreira, J. Llibre, C. Valls.
Limit cycles from a four-dimensional centre in $R^m$ in resonance $p:q$.
Dyn. Syst., 27(4), 459-474. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

R. Benterki, J. Llibre.
Polynomial differential systems with explicit non-algebraic limit cycles.
Electron. J. Differential Equations, 2012(78), 1-6. 2012.
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

L. M. O. Biscolla, J. Llibre, W. M. Oliva.
The rolling ball problem on the sphere.
Sao Paulo J. Math. Sci., 6(2), 1-9. 2012.
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

D. Blázquez, C. Pantazi.
A note on the darboux theory of integrability of non-autonomous polynomial differential systems.
Nonlinearity, 25, 2615-2624. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

A. Buica, J. Giné, J. Llibre.
A second order analysis of the periodic solutions for nonlinear periodic differential systems with a small parameter.
Phys. D, 241, 528-533. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

A. Buica, J. Llibre, O. Makarenkov.
Bifurcations from nondegenerate families of periodic solutions in Lipschitz systems.
J. Differential Equations, 252, 3899-3919. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

C. A. Buzzi, R. Euzébio, J. Llibre, L. F. Mello.
Discussion on the limit cycles of the Lev Ginzburg equation.
J. Sound Vibration, 331, 5168-5170. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

C. A. Buzzi, J. Llibre.
On the periodic solutions of the static, spherically symmetric Einstein-Yang-Mills equations.
J. Math. Phys., 53, 122703. 2012. Preprint at DDDUAB

P. T. Cardin, T. Carvalho, J. Llibre.
Bifurcation of limit cycle from a n-dimensional linear center inside a class of piecewise linear differential systems.
Nonlinear Anal., 75, 143-152. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

V. Carmona, S. Fernández-García, F. Fernández-Sánchez, E. Garcia-Medina, A. E. Teruel.
Reversible periodic orbits in a class of 3D continuous piecewise linear systems of differential equations.
Nonlinear Anal., 75, 5866-5883. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

M. Caubergh.
Hilbert's sixteenth problem for polynomial Liénard equations.
Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst., 11, 3-18. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

M. Caubergh, J. Llibre, J. Torregrosa.
Global phase portraits of some reversible cubic centers with collinear or infinitely many singularities.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 22(11), 1250273 (20 pages). 2012. [DOI]
PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

C. J. Christopher, J. Llibre, C. Pantazi, S. Walcher.
Inverse problems in Darboux' theory of integrability.
Acta Appl. Math., 120, 101-126. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

F. Cilingir, X. Jarque.
On Newton’s method applied to real polynomials.
J. Difference Equ. Appl., 18(6), 1067-1076. 2012. [DOI]
PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

A. Cima, A. Gasull, V. Mañosa.
On 2- and 3-periodic Lyness difference equations.
J. Difference Equ. Appl., 18(5), 849-864. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

A. Cima, A. Gasull, V. Mañosa.
Non-autonomous 2-periodic Gumovski-Mira difference equations.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 22(11), 1250264 (14 pages). 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

A. Cima, A. Gasull, F. Mañosas.
On Coxeter recurrences.
J. Difference Equ. Appl., 18(9), 1457-1465. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

A. Cima, A. Gasull, F. Mañosas.
Global linearization of periodic difference equations.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 32(5), 1575-1595. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

A. Cima, A. Gasull, F. Mañosas.
Centers for trigonometric Abel equations.
Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst., 11, 19-37. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

A. Cima, A. Gasull, F. Mañosas.
Simple examples of planar involutions with non-global Montgomery-Bochner linearizations.
Appl. Math. Lett., 25, 2086-2088. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB