2283 publications found

B. Coll, A. Gasull, R. Prohens.
Periodic orbits for perturbed non-autonomous differential equations.
Bull. Sci. Math., 136, 803-819. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. M. Cors, G. E. Roberts.
Four-body co-circular central configurations.
Nonlinearity, 25, 343-370. 2012. [DOI]
PreprintAbstractFull PDFPreprint at DDDUAB

N. Fagella, J. Peter.
On the configuration of Herman rings of meromorphic functions.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 394, 458-467. 2012. [DOI]
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A. Falcó, W. Hackbush.
On minimal subspaces in tensor representations.
Found. Comput. Math., 12, 765-803. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

A. Ferragut.
Some new results on Darboux integrable differential systems.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 394, 416-424. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

A. Ferragut, J. Llibre, C. Pantazi.
Analytic integrability of Bianchi class A cosmological models with k=1.
J. Geom. Phys., 62, 381-386. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

B. García, J. Llibre, J. S. Pérez del Río.
On the polynomial differential systems having polynomial first integrals.
Bull. Sci. Math., 136, 309-316. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

I. A. García, J. Llibre, S. Maza.
Periodic orbits and their stability in the Rössler prototype-4 system.
Phys. Lett. A, 376, 2234-2237. 2012. [DOI]
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A. Gasull, J. T. Lázaro, J. Torregrosa.
Upper bounds for the number of zeroes for some Abelian integrals.
Nonlinear Anal., 75, 5169-5179. 2012. [DOI]
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A. Gasull, J. T. Lázaro, J. Torregrosa.
On the Chebyshev property for a new family of functions.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 387, 631-644. 2012. [DOI]
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A. Gasull, C. Li, J. Torregrosa.
A new Chebyshev family with applications to Abel equations.
J. Differential Equations, 252, 1635-1641. 2012. [DOI]
PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

A. Gasull, C. Li, J. Torregrosa.
Limit cycles appearing from the perturbation of a system with a multiple line of critical points.
Nonlinear Anal., 75, 278-285. 2012. [DOI]
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A. Gasull, V. Mañosa, X. Xarles.
Rational periodic sequences for the Lyness recurrence.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 32(2), 587-604. 2012. [DOI]
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A. Geyer.
Solitary traveling waves of moderate amplitude.
J. Nonlinear Math. Phys., 19, 12pp.. 2012. [DOI]
PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

A. Geyer.
A note on uniqueness and compact support of solutions in a recent model for tsunami background flows.
Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 11(4), 1431-1438. 2012. [DOI]
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A. Geyer.
On some background flows for tsunami waves.
J. Math. Fluid. Mech., 14(1), 141-158. 2012. [DOI]
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J. Giné, J. Llibre.
On the center conditions for analytic monodromic degenerate singularities.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 22(2), 1250303 (11 pp.). 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Giné, J. Llibre.
On liouvillian integrability of the first-order polynomial ordinary differential equations.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 395, 802-805. 2012. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. L. G. Guirao, J. Llibre.
The set of periods for the Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms on $\mathbb T^2$.
Dyn. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Syst. Ser A: Math Anal., 19(4), 471-484. 2012.
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. L. G. Guirao, J. Llibre.
$\mathcal C^1$ self-maps on $\mathbb S^n$, $\mathbb S^n \times \mathbb S^m$, $\mathbb C \mathbb P^n$ and $\mathbb H \mathbb P^n$ with all their periodic orbits hyperbolic.
Taiwanese J. Math., 16(1), 323-334. 2012.
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB