2283 publications found

F. Liu, J. Llibre, X. Zhang.
Heteroclinic orbits for a class of Hamiltonian systems on Riemannian manifolds.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 29(3), 1097-1111. 2011. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

E. Liz, V. Mañosa.
Proceedings of the international workshop future directions in difference equations.
Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, 2011.

J. Llibre.
On the integrability of the differential systems in dimension two and of the polynomial differential systems in arbitrary dimension.
J. Appl. Anal. Comp., 1(1), 11-33. 2011.
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, A. Mahdi, J. Roé.
The geometry of the real planar polynomial differential systems having their orbits imbedded in conics.
Dyn. Syst., 26(3), 287-321. 2011. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, A. Mahdi, C. Valls.
Analytic integrability of Hamiltonian systems with a homogeneous polynomial potential of degree 4.
J. Math. Phys., 52, 012702. 2011. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, A. Mahdi, C. Valls.
Polynomial integrability of the Hamiltonian systems with homogeneous potential of degree -2.
Phys. Lett. A, 375, 1845-1849. 2011. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, A. Mahdi, C. Valls.
Polynomial integrability of the Hamiltonian systems with homogeneous potential of degree -3.
Phys. D, 240, 1928-1935. 2011. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, A. Mahdi, N. Vulpe.
Phase portraits and invariant straight lines of cubic polynomial vector fields having a quadratic rational first integral.
Rocky Mountain J. Math., 41(5), 1585-1629. 2011. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, R. M. Martins, M. A. Teixeira.
On the birth of minimal sets for perturbed reversible vector fields.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 31(3), 763-777. 2011. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, J. C. Medrado.
Limit cycles, invariant meridians and parallels for polynomial vector fields on the torus.
Bull. Sci. Math., 135, 1-9. 2011. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, L. F. Mello, E. Pérez-Chavela.
New stacked central configurations for the planar 5-body problem.
Celestial Mech. Dynam. Astronom., 110, 43-52. 2011. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, A. C. Mereu.
Limit cycles for a generalized Kukles polynomial differential systems.
Nonlinear Anal., 74, 1261-1271. 2011. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, M. Messias, P. R. Silva.
Global dynamics of stationary solutions of the extended Fisher-Kolmogorov equation.
J. Math. Phys., 52, 112701. 2011. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, D. D. Novaes, M. A. Teixeira.
On the periodic solutions of a perturbed double pendulum.
Sao Paulo J. Math. Sci., 5(2), 317-330. 2011. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, E. Pérez-Chavela.
Limit cycles for a class of second order differential equations.
Phys. Lett. A, 375, 1080-1083. 2011. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, E. Ponce, J. Ros.
Algebraic determination of limit cycles in 3-dimensional piecewise linear differential systems.
Nonlinear Anal., 74, 6712-6727. 2011. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, R. O. Ramírez, N. Sadovskaia.
On the 16th Hilbert problem for limit cycles on nonsingular algebraic curves.
J. Differential Equations, 250, 983-999. 2011. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, R. O. Ramírez, N. Sadovskaia.
Planar vector fields with a given set of orbits.
J. Dyn. Diff. Equat., 23(4), 885-902. 2011. [DOI]
AbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, S. Rebollo-Perdomo, J. Torregrosa.
Limit cycles bifurcating from a 2-dimensional isochronous torus in $\mathbb R^3$.
Adv. Nonlinear Stud., 11, 377-389. 2011. [DOI]
PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB

J. Llibre, S. Rebollo-Perdomo, J. Torregrosa.
Limit cycles bifurcation from isochronous surfaces of revolution in $\mathbb R^3$.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 381, 414-426. 2011. [DOI]
PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB