J. Llibre, C. Valls.
Dynamics of a class of 3-dimensional Lotka-Volterra systems.
Dyn. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Syst. Ser A: Math Anal., 30(4a), 303–307. 2023.
PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, C. Valls.
Invariants of polynomial vector fields.
J. Differential Equations, 365, 895-904. 2023.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, C. Valls.
Phase portraits of the complex Riccati equation with constant coefficients.
Dynam. Systems Appl., 32, 189-198. 2023.
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J. Llibre, C. Valls.
On the integrability of a four-prototype Rössler system.
Math. Phys. Anal. Geom., 26(5), . 2023.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, C. Valls.
The extended 16th Hilbert problem for discontinuous piecewise systems formed by linear centers and linear hamiltonian saddles separated by a nonregular line.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 33(16), 2350196. 2023.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
D. Marín, M. Saavedra,
J. Villadelprat.
Non-bifurcation of critical periods from semi-hyperbolic polycycles of quadratic centers.
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 153(1), 104 - 114. 2023.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
D. Oro,
Ll. Alsedà, A. Hastings, M. Genovart, J. Sardanyés.
Social copying drives a tipping point for non-linear population collapse.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(11), e2214055120. 2023.
[DOI]Suppl. Inf.PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
Ll. Alsedà,
D. Juher,
F. Mañosas.
Forward triplets and topological entropy on trees.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 42(2), 623-641. 2022.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
M. Álvarez-Ramírez,
A. Gasull,
J. Llibre.
On the equilateral pentagonal central configurations.
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., 112, 106511:1-12. 2022.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractFull PDFPreprint at DDDUAB
A. M. Benini, V. Evdoridou, N. Fagella, P. J. Rippon, G. M. Stallard.
Classifying simply connected wandering domains.
Math. Ann., 383, 1127-1178. 2022.
[DOI] (Open Acces)
PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
D. d. C. Braga,
J. Llibre, L. F. Mello.
Transcritical bifurcation at infinity in planar piecewise polynomial differential systems with two zones.
Dyn. Syst., 37(4), 578-602. 2022.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
C. A. Buzzi, Y. R. Carvalho,
J. Llibre.
Crossing limit cycles of planar discontinuous piecewise differential systems formed by isochronous centers.
Dyn. Syst., 37(4), 710-728. 2022.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Canela,
Ll. Alsedà, N. Fagella, J. Sardanyés.
Dynamical mechanism behind ghosts unveiled in a map complexification.
Chaos Solitons Fractals, 156, 111780. 2022.
J. Canela, X. Jarque, D. A. Paraschiv.
Achievable connectivities of Fatou components for a family of singular perturbations.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 42(9), 4237-4261. 2022.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
T. Chen, S. Li,
J. Llibre.
Nilpotent bi-center in continuous piecewise $Z_2$-equivariant cubic polynomial Hamiltonian systems.
Nonlinear Dynam., 110, 705-721. 2022.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
T. Chen,
J. Llibre.
Nilpotent center in continuous piecewise quadratic polynomial Hamiltonian vector fields.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 32(8), 2250116:1-23. 2022.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
X. Chen, T. Li,
J. Llibre.
Melnikov functions of arbitrary order for piecewise smooth differential systems in $R^n$ and applications.
J. Differential Equations, 314, 340-369. 2022.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
A. Cima,
A. Gasull,
V. Mañosa.
Asymptotic stability for block triangular maps.
Sarajevo J. Math., 18(1), 25-44. 2022.
A. Cima,
A. Gasull,
V. Mañosa,
F. Mañosas.
Pointwise periodic maps with quantized first integrals.
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., 108, 106150:1-26. 2022.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
B. Coll,
A. Gasull, R. Prohens.
Probability of occurrence of some planar random quasi-homogeneous vector fields.
Mediterranean J. Math., 19, Article number 278. 2022.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB