2283 publications found

B. Coll, A. Gasull, R. Prohens.
On a criterium of global attraction for discrete dynamical systems.
Commun. Pure Appl. Anal., 5(3), 537-550. 2006.

M. Corbera, J. Llibre.
Symmetric periodic orbits near a heteroclinic loop at infinity for a class of polynomial vector fields.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 16(11), 3401-3410. 2006.

M. Corbera, J. Llibre.
Infinitely many periodic orbits for the rhomboidal 5-body problem.
J. Math. Phys., 47, 1-13. 2006.

M. Corbera, J. Llibre, E. Pérez-Chavela.
Symmetric periodic orbits near a heteroclinic loop formed by two singular points and their invariant manifolds of dimension 1 and 2.
J. Phys. A, 39(50), 1-14. 2006.

D. Dobrovolschi, J. Llibre.
Suficient conditions for boundedness of the flow of a differential system on $\mathbb R^n$.

D. Dobrovolschi, J. Llibre.
Distinguishing between local and non-local dissipativity of vector fields on $\mathbb R^n$.

F. Dumortier, J. Llibre, J. C. Artés.
Qualitative theory of planar differential systems.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006.
Link at publisherAbstract

N. Fagella, C. Henriksen.
Arnold disks and the moduli of Herman rings of the complex standard family.
In Dynamics on the Riemann Sphere. A Bodil Branner Festschrift, 161-182. EMS-PH, 2006. [DOI]

N. Fagella, C. Henriksen.
Deformation of entire functions with Baker domains.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 15(2), 379-394. 2006. [DOI]
PreprintAbstractFull PDF

A. Ferragut.
Polynomial inverse integrating factors of quadratic differential systems and other results.
PhD thesis, 2006.
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B. García, J. Llibre, J. S. Pérez del Río.
Phase portraits of the quadratic vector fields with a polynomial first integral.
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2), 55, 420-440. 2006.

I. A. García, J. Giné, M. Grau.
A necessary condition in the monodromy problem for analytic differential equations on the plane.
J. Symbolic Comput., 41, 943-958. 2006.

R. A. Garcia, J. Llibre, J. Sotomayor.
Lines of principal curvature on canal surfaces in $\mathbb R^3$.
An. Acad. Brasil. Ci., 78(3), 405-415. 2006.

A. Garijo.
Iteration of certain families of transcendental maps and phase portraits of complex differential equations.
PhD thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2006.

A. Garijo, A. Gasull, X. Jarque.
On the period function for a family of complex differential equations.
J. Differential Equations, 224(2), 314-331. 2006. [DOI]
AbstractFull PDF

A. Gasull, H. Giacomini.
Upper bounds for the number of limit cycles through linear differential equations.
Pacific J. Math., 226(2), 277-296. 2006.
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A. Gasull, A. Guillamon.
Limit cycles for generalized Abel equations.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 16(2), 3737-3745. 2006.

H. Giacomini, J. Giné.
An algorithmic method to determine integrability for polynomial planar vector fields.
European J. Appl. Math., 17(2), 161-170. 2006.

H. Giacomini, J. Giné, M. Grau.
Integrability of planar polynomial differential systems through linear differential equations.
Rocky Mountain J. Math., 36(2), 457-486. 2006.

H. Giacomini, J. Giné, J. Llibre.
The problem of distinguishing between a center and a focus for nilpotent and degenerate analytic systems.
J. Differential Equations, 227(2), 406-426. 2006.