M. Corbera,
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M. Corbera, C. Valls.
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[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
C. Cufí-Cabré,
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R. Euzébio,
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T. Carvalho, L. F. Gonçalves,
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E. Diz Pita.
Qualitative dynamics of planar and spatial Lotka-Volterra and Kolmogorov systems.
PhD thesis, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2022.
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E. Diz Pita,
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E. Diz Pita,
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E. Diz Pita,
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F. Gao,
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A. Gasull.
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A. Gasull.
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A. Gasull, J. Groisman,
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A. Gasull, L. Hernández-Corbato, F. R. Ruiz del Portal.
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A. Gasull, C. Valls.
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B. Ghermoul,
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B. Ghermoul,
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[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Giné, M. Grau,
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J. Giné,
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A characterization of the generalized Liénard polynomial differential systems having invariant algebraic curves.
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[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB