2283 publications found

J. Llibre, J. C. Medrado.
Darboux integrability and reversible quadratic vector fields.
Rocky Mountain J. Math., 35(6), 1999-2058. 2005.

J. Llibre, C. Pantazi.
Counterexample to a conjecture on the algebraic limit cycles of polynomial vector fields.
Geom. Dedicata, 110(1), 213-219. 2005.

J. Llibre, E. Pérez-Chavela.
Transversal homoclinic orbits in the collinear restricted three body problem.
J. Nonlinear Sci., 15(1), 1-10. 2005.

J. Llibre, E. Pérez-Chavela.
An application of the Melnikov integral to a restricted three body problem.
In Symmetry and perturbation theory. Proceedings of the International Conference on SPT 2004, 175-182. World Scientific, 2005.

J. Llibre, C. Valls.
Formal and analytic integrability of the Lorenz system.
J. Phys. A, 38(12), 2681-2686. 2005.

J. Llibre, C. Valls.
Integrability of the Bianchi IX system.
J. Math. Phys., 46(7), 1-13. 2005.

J. Llibre, C. Valls.
Formal and analytic first integrals of the Einstein-Yang-Mills equations.
J. Phys. A, 38(37), 8155-8168. 2005.

F. Mañosas, P. J. Torres.
Isochronicity of a class of piecewise continuous oscillators.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 133, 3027-3035. 2005.

F. Mañosas, J. Villadelprat.
A note on the critical periods of potential systems.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 16(3), 765-774. 2005.

S. Serna, A. Marquina.
Capturing shock waves in inelastic granular gases.
J. Comput. Phys., 209(2), 787-795. 2005. [DOI]

F. Balibrea, J. L. G. Guirao.
On $\omega$-limit sets for triangular maps on the unit square.
In Iteration theory (ECIT '02), 177-185. Karl-Franzens-Univ. Graz, Graz, 2004.

A. Buica, J. Llibre.
Averaging methods for finding periodic orbits via Brouwer degree.
Bull. Sci. Math., 128(1), 7-22. 2004.

M. Caubergh.
Limit cycles near vector fields of center type.
PhD thesis, Hasselt University, 2004.

M. Caubergh, F. Dumortier.
Hopf-Takens bifurcations and centres.
J. Differential Equations, 202(1), 1-31. 2004.

M. Caubergh, J. Françoise.
Generalized Liénard equations, cyclicity and Hopf-Takens bifurcations.
Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst., 5(2), 195-222. 2004.

M. Caubergh, R. Roussarie.
Relations between Abelian integrals and limit cycles.
In Normal forms, bifurcations and finiteness problems in differential equations, 1-32. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2004.

M. Chamberland, J. Llibre, G. Swirszcz.
Weakened Markus-Yamabe conditions for 2-dimensional global asymptotic stability.
Nonlinear Anal., 59(6), 951-958. 2004.

J. Chavarriga, J. Llibre, J. Sorolla.
Algebraic limit cycles of degree 4 for quadratic systems.
J. Differential Equations, 200(2), 206-244. 2004.

A. Cima, A. Gasull, F. Mañosas.
On periodic rational difference equations of order k.
J. Difference Equ. Appl., 10(6), 549-559. 2004.

M. Corbera, J. Llibre.
Families of periodic orbits for the spatial isosceles 3-body problem.
SIAM J. Math. Anal., 35(5), 1311-1346. 2004.