2291 publications found

M. Corbera, J. Llibre.
On symmetric periodic orbits of the elliptic Sitnikov problem via the analytic continuation method.
In Celestial mechanics (Evanston, IL, 1999). Contemporary Mathematics, 91-127. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2002.

M. A. Frutos, H. Hamoudi, X. Jarque.
Spatial competition with concave transport costs.
Reg. Sci. Urban Eco., 32(4), 531-540. 2002. [DOI]

A. Delshams, A. Guillamon, J. T. Lázaro.
A pseudo-normal form for planar vector fields.
Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst., 3(1), 51-82. 2002.

R. L. Devaney, N. Fagella, X. Jarque.
Hyperbolic components of the complex exponential family.
Fund. Math., 174(3), 193-215. 2002. [DOI]

R. L. Devaney, X. Jarque.
Indecomposable continua in exponential dynamics.
Conform. Geom. Dyn., 6, 1-12. 2002. [DOI]

E. Freire, A. Gasull, A. Guillamon.
Period function for perturbed isochronous centres.
Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst., 3(1), 275-284. 2002.

A. Gasull, H. Giacomini.
A new criterion for controlling the number of limit cycles of some generalized Liénard equations.
J. Differential Equations, 185(1), 54-73. 2002.

A. Gasull, W. Li, J. Llibre, Z. Zhang.
Chebyshev property of complete elliptic integrals and its application to Abelian integrals.
Pacific J. Math., 202(2), 341-361. 2002.

A. Gasull, V. Mañosa.
A Darboux-type theory of integrability for discrete dynamical systems.
J. Difference Equ. Appl., 8(12), 1171-1191. 2002.

A. Gasull, V. Mañosa, F. Mañosas.
Monodromy and stability of a class of degenerate planar critical points.
J. Differential Equations, 182(1), 169-190. 2002.
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A. Gasull, V. Mañosa, F. Mañosas.
Stability of certain planar unbounded polycycles.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 269(1), 332-351. 2002.

J. Giné.
Conditions for the existence of a center for the Kukles homogeneous systems.
Comput. Math. Appl., 43(10/11/09), 1261-1269. 2002.

J. Giné.
Sufficient conditions for a center at a completely degenerate critical point.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 12(7), 1659-1666. 2002.

G. Gómez, J. Masdemont, J. M. Mondelo.
Solar System models with a selected set of frequencies.
Astronom. and Astrophys., 390(2), 733-749. 2002.
AbstractFull PDF

C. Gutierrez, J. Llibre.
Darbouxian integrability for polynomial vector fields on the 2-dimensional sphere.
Extracta Math., 17(2), 289-301. 2002.

X. Jarque, J. Villadelprat.
Nonexistence of isochronous centers in planar polynomial Hamiltonian systems of degree four.
J. Differential Equations, 180(2), 334-373. 2002. [DOI]

X. Jarque, J. Villadelprat.
On the period function of centers in planar polynomial Hamiltonian systems of degree four.
Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst., 3(1), 157-180. 2002. [DOI]

D. Juher, J. Gelabertó.
Paradoxes i problemes clàssics de geometria integral.
Butl. Soc. Catalana Mat., 17(1), 79-91. 2002.

E. A. Lacomba, J. Llibre, E. Pérez-Chavela.
The generalized Sitnikov problem.
In Celestial mechanics (Evanston, IL, 1999). Contemporary Mathematics, 147-158. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2002.

C. Li, W. Li, J. Llibre, Z. Zhang.
Linear estimation of the number of zeros of Abelian integrals for some cubic isochronous centers.
J. Differential Equations, 180(2), 307-333. 2002.