2283 publications found

J. Chavarriga, I. A. García.
Integrability and explicit solutions in some Bianchi cosmological dynamical systems.
J. Nonlinear Math. Phys., 8(1), 96-105. 2001.

J. Chavarriga, I. A. García, J. Giné.
On integrability of differential equations defined by the sum of homogeneous vector fields with degenerate infinity.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 11(3), 711-722. 2001.

J. Chavarriga, I. A. García, J. Giné.
On Lie's symmetries for planar polynomial differential systems.
Nonlinearity, 14(4), 863-880. 2001.

J. Chavarriga, I. A. García, J. Giné.
Isochronicity into a family of time-reversible cubic vector fields.
Appl. Math. Comput., 121(02/03/09), 129-145. 2001.

J. Chavarriga, H. Giacomini, J. Llibre.
Uniqueness of algebraic limit cycles for quadratic systems.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 261(1), 85-99. 2001.

J. Chavarriga, J. Llibre.
Invariant algebraic curves and rational first integrals for planar polynomial vector fields.
J. Differential Equations, 169(1), 1-16. 2001. (Special issue in celebration of Jack K. Hale's 70th birthday, Part 3 (Atlanta, Georgia/Lisbon, 1998))

J. Chavarriga, J. Llibre, J. Moulin-Ollagnier.
On a result of Darboux.
LMS J. Comput. Math., 4, 197-21. 2001.

A. Cima, A. Gasull, F. Mañosas.
A note on LaSalle's problems.
Ann. Polon. Math., 76(01/02/09), 33-46. 2001.

A. Cima, J. Li, J. Llibre.
Periodic solutions of delay differential equations with two delay via bi-Hamiltonian systems.
Ann. Differential Equations, 17(3), 205-214. 2001.

B. Coll, A. Gasull, R. Prohens.
Degenerate Hopf bifurcations in discontinuous planar systems.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 253(2), 671-690. 2001.

M. Corbera, J. Llibre.
Periodic and quasi-periodic orbits for the spatial isosceles three-body problem.
In Third Conference on Celestial Mechanics (Valladolid, 2000), 37-44. Univ. Zaragoza, Zaragoza, 2001.

J. M. Cors, C. Piñol, J. Soler.
Periodic solutions in the spatial elliptic restricted three-body problem.
Phys. D, 154(03/04/09), 195-206. 2001.

A. Gasull, J. Torregrosa.
A new approach to the computation of the Lyapunov constants.
Comput. Appl. Math., 20(1-2), 149-177. 2001. (Special issue in celebration of M. M. Peixoto's 80th birthday)

A. Gasull, J. Torregrosa.
A new algorithm for the computation of the Lyapunov constants for some degenerated critical points.
Nonlinear Anal., 47(7), 4479-4490. 2001. [DOI]

A. Gasull, J. Torregrosa.
A relation between small amplitude and big limit cycles.
Rocky Mountain J. Math., 31(4), 1277-1303. 2001. [DOI]

H. Giacomini, J. Llibre, M. Viano.
The shape of limit cycles that bifurcate from non-Hamiltonian centers.
Nonlinear Anal., 43(7), 837-859. 2001.

J. Giné.
Analytic integrability of nilpotent cubic systems with degenerate infinity.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 11(8), 2299-2304. 2001.

J. Giné, X. Santallusia.
On the Poincaré-Lyapunov constants and the Poincaré series.
Appl. Math. (Warsaw), 28(1), 17-30. 2001.

G. Gómez, J. Llibre, R. Martínez, C. Simó.
Dynamics and mission design near libration points. Vol. I: Fundamentals: The case of collinear libration points.
World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc., River Edge, NJ, 2001.
Link at publisherAbstract

G. Gómez, J. Llibre, R. Martínez, C. Simó.
Dynamics and mission design near libration points. Vol. II: Fundamentals: The case of triangular libration points.
World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc., River Edge, NJ, 2001.
Link at publisherAbstract