2283 publications found

G. Cousillas, J. Groisman, J. Xavier.
Linearization of topologically Anosov homeomorphisms of non compact surfaces of genus zero and finite type.
Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal., 58(1), 323-333. 2021. [DOI]

C. Cufí-Cabré, E. Fontich.
Differentiable invariant manifolds of nilpotent parabolic points.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 41(10), 4667-4704. 2021. [DOI]
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T. Carvalho, L. F. Gonçalves, J. Llibre.
Limit cycles on piecewise smooth vector fields with coupled rigid centers.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 31(15), 2150224. 2021. [DOI]
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K. Dias, A. Garijo.
On the separatrix graph of a rational vector field on the Riemann sphere.
J. Differential Equations, 282, 541-565. 2021. [DOI]
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E. Diz Pita, J. Llibre, M. V. Otero Espinar.
Phase portraits of a family of Kolmogorov systems depending on six parameters.
Electron. J. Differential Equations, 2021(35), 1-38. 2021.
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E. Diz Pita, J. Llibre, M. V. Otero Espinar, C. Valls.
The zero-Hopf bifurcations in the Kolmogorov systems of degree 3 in $R^3$.
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., 95, 105621. 2021. [DOI]
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D. Djedid, J. Llibre, A. Makhlouf.
Periodic orbits bifurcating from a Hopf equilibrium of 2-dimensional polynomial Kolmogorov systems of arbitrary degree.
Chaos Solitons Fractals, 142, 110489. 2021. [DOI]
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M. Esteban, J. Llibre, C. Valls.
The 16th Hilbert problem for discontinuous piecewise isochronous centers of degree one or two separated by a straight line.
Chaos, 31, 043112:1-18. 2021. [DOI]
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M. Esteban, J. Llibre, C. Valls.
The extended 16-th Hilbert problem for discontinuous piecewise linear centers separated by a non-regular line.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 31(15), 2150225. 2021. [DOI]
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N. Fagella, L. Keen.
Stable components in the parameter plane of transcendental function of finite type.
J. Geom. Anal., 31(5), 4816-4855. 2021. [DOI]
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E. Freire, E. Ponce, J. Torregrosa, F. Torres.
Limit cycles from a monodromic infinity in planar piecewise linear systems.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 496, 124818. 2021. [DOI]
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F. Gao, J. Llibre.
Global dynamics of the Horava-Lifshitz cosmological model in a non-flat universe with non-zero cosmological constant.
Universe (Basel), 7(445), 1-50. 2021. [DOI]
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B. García, J. Llibre, A. Lombardero, J. S. Pérez del Río.
Analytic integrability of quasi-homogeneous systems via the Yoshida method.
J. Symbolic Comput., 104, 960-980. 2021. [DOI]
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I. A. García, J. Giné, J. Llibre, S. Maza.
Vanishing set of inverse Jacobi multipliers and attractor/repulsor sets.
Chaos, 31, 013113:1-9. 2021. [DOI]
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L. Gardini, A. Garijo, X. Jarque.
Topological properties of the immediate basins of attraction for the secant method.
Mediterranean J. Math., 18, 221:1-27. 2021. [DOI]
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A. Gasull.
Quasi tots els camins porten a un capicua.
Semagames, 130, 17-18. 2021.
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A. Gasull.
Polinomios estables.
Gac. R. Soc. Mat. Esp., 24(2), 272. 2021.
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A. Gasull.
Butl. Soc. Catalana Mat., 36(1), 69-113. 2021. [DOI]
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A. Gasull.
Some open problems in low dimensional dynamical systems.
SeMA J., 78, 233-269. 2021. [DOI]
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A. Gasull.
Iteració, capicues i matemàtiques.
Mat. Mat., 2021(2), 1-23. 2021.
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