2283 publications found

C. Li, J. Llibre, Z. Zhang.
Abelian integrals of quadratic Hamiltonian vector fields with an invariant straight line.
Publ. Mat., 39(2), 355-366. 1995.

J. Llibre.
Some conjectures on planar polynomial vector fields and straight lines.
In 2nd Catalan Days on Applied Mathematics (Odeillo, 1995), 183-187. Presses Univ. Perpignan, Perpignan, 1995.

J. Llibre, J. Paraños, J. Á. Rodríguez.
On the extension of Sharkovskii's theorem to connected graphs with non-positive Euler characteristic.
In Thirty years after Sharkovskii's Theorem: New perspectives (Murcia, 1994), 133-143. World Sci. Publishing, River Edge NJ, 1995. (Reprint of the paper reviewed in [MR 97c:58039])

J. Llibre, J. Paraños, J. Á. Rodríguez.
On the extension of Sharkovskii's theorem to connected graphs with non-positive Euler characteristic.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 5(5), 1395-1405. 1995.

J. Llibre, D. G. Saari.
Periodic orbits for the planar Newtonian three-body problem coming from the elliptic restricted three-body problems.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 347(8), 3017-3030. 1995.

D. L. Maranhão.
Study of the flow of a restricted 4-body problem.
PhD thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 1995.

Ll. Alsedà, A. Falcó.
Devil's staircase route to chaos in a forced relaxation oscillator.
Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), 44(1), 109-128. 1994.

Ll. Alsedà, J. Gambaudo, P. Mumbrú.
Stable heteroclinic cycles and symbolic dynamics.
Chaos, 4(2), 407-419. 1994.

Ll. Alsedà, X. D. Ye.
Minimal sets of maps of Y.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 187(1), 324-338. 1994.

J. C. Artés, J. Llibre.
Phase portraits for quadratic systems having a focus and one antisaddle.
Rocky Mountain J. Math., 24(3), 875-889. 1994.

J. C. Artés, J. Llibre.
Quadratic Hamiltonian vector fields.
J. Differential Equations, 107(1), 80-95. 1994.

E. A. Belbruno, J. Llibre, M. Ollé.
On the families of periodic orbits which bifurcate from the circular Sitnikov motions.
Celestial Mech. Dynam. Astronom., 60(1), 99-129. 1994.

J. Casasayas, J. Llibre, A. Nunes.
Central configurations of the planar 1+n-body problem.
Celestial Mech. Dynam. Astronom., 60(2), 273-288. 1994.

J. Casasayas, J. Llibre, A. Nunes.
Periods and Lefschetz zeta functions.
Pacific J. Math., 165(1), 51-66. 1994.

J. Chavarriga.
Integrable systems in the plane with center type linear part.
Appl. Math. (Warsaw), 22(2), 285-309. 1994.

J. Delgado, E. A. Lacomba, J. Llibre, E. Pérez-Chavela.
Poincaré compactification of the Kepler and the collinear three-body problems.
In Seminar on Dynamical Systems (St. Petersburg, 1991), 117-128. Birkhauser, Basel, 1994.

X. Jarque, J. Llibre.
Structural stability of planar Hamiltonian polynomial vector fields.
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3), 68(3), 617-640. 1994. [DOI]

J. Llibre, A. Nunes.
Separatrix surfaces and invariant manifolds of a class of integrable Hamiltonian systems and their perturbations.
Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., 107(513), viii+191. 1994.

J. Llibre, J. Paraños, J. Á. Rodríguez.
The full periodicity kernel for $\sigma$ maps.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 183(3), 639-651. 1994.

J. Llibre, A. Sá.
Periods for continuous self-maps of a bouquet of circles.
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math., 318(11), 1035-1040. 1994.