2283 publications found

F. Gao, J. Llibre.
Global dynamics of the Horava-Lifshitz cosmology with non-zero curvature and a wide range of potentials.
Eur. Phys. J. C Part. Fields, 80, 137:1-13. 2020. [DOI]
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F. Gao, J. Llibre.
Periodic orbits of the two fixed centers problem with a variational gravitational field.
Celestial Mech. Dynam. Astronom., 132(6-7), art. no. 39. 2020. [DOI]
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J. D. García Saldaña, A. Gasull, H. Giacomini.
A new approach for the study of limit cycles.
J. Differential Equations, 269, 6269-6292. 2020. [DOI]
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J. D. García Saldaña, J. Llibre, C. Valls.
Nilpotent global centers of linear systems with cubic homogeneous nonlinearities.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 30(1), 2050010:1-12. 2020. [DOI]
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J. D. García Saldaña, J. Llibre, C. Valls.
Linear type global centers of linear systems with cubic homogeneous nonlinearities.
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2), 69, 771-785. 2020. [DOI]
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A. Garijo, X. Jarque.
The secant map applied to a real polynomial with multiple roots.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 40(12), 6783-6794. 2020. [DOI]
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M. Garrido.
Singularidades en el problema de los n cuerpos.
Masters thesis, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain, September, 2020.
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A. Gasull.
AB y BA.
Gac. R. Soc. Mat. Esp., 23(3), 550. 2020.
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A. Gasull, A. Geyer, F. Mañosas.
A Chebyshev criterion with applications.
J. Differential Equations, 269, 6641-6655. 2020. [DOI]
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A. Gasull, J. Giné, C. Valls.
Highest weak focus order for trigonometric Liénard equations.
Ann. Mat. Pur. Appl., 199, 1673-1684. 2020. [DOI]
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A. Gasull, V. Mañosa.
Periodic orbits of discrete and continuous dynamical systems via Poincaré-Miranda theorem.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 25(2), 651-670. 2020. [DOI]
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A. Gasull, J. Torregrosa, X. Zhang.
Piecewise linear differential systems with an algebraic line of separation.
Electron. J. Differential Equations, 2020(19), 1-14. 2020.
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J. Giné, J. Llibre.
Strongly formal weierstrass non-integrability for polynomial differential systems in $C^2$.
Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ., 2020(1), 1-16. 2020. [DOI]
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J. Giné, J. Llibre.
Formal Weierstrass nonintegrability criterion for some classes of polynomial differential systems in $C^2$.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 30(4), 2050064:1-7. 2020. [DOI]
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L. F. d. S. Gouveia.
Limit cycles of small amplitude in polynomial and piecewise polynomial planar vector fields.
PhD thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, January, 2020.
AbstractFull PDF

L. F. d. S. Gouveia, J. Torregrosa.
24 crossing limit cycles in only one nest for piecewise cubic systems.
Appl. Math. Lett., 103, 106189. 2020. [DOI]
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J. L. G. Guirao, J. Llibre, W. Gao.
Topological entropy of continuous self-maps on closed surfaces.
J. Difference Equ. Appl., 26(2), 203-208. 2020. [DOI]
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F. Güngör, J. Llibre, C. Pantazi.
Darboux integrability and dynamics of the Basener-Ross population model.
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2), 1-13. 2020. [DOI]
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M. Han, J. Llibre, Y. Tian.
On the zero-Hopf bifurcatIon of the Lotka-Volterra systems in $R^3$.
Mathematics, 8, 1137:1-14. 2020. [DOI]
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J. Huang, J. Torregrosa, J. Villadelprat.
On the number of limit cycles in generalized Abel equations.
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 19(4), 2343-2370. 2020. [DOI]
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