S. Li,
J. Llibre.
Global phase portraits of the key pitchfork bifurcation.
Scientia Sinica Mathematica, 49(9), 1201-1208. 2019.
J. Llibre.
Limit cycles in continuous and discontinuous piecewise linear differential systems with two pieces separated by a straight line.
Bul. Acad. Ştiinţe Repub. Mold. Mat., 2, 3-12. 2019.
PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, A. Makhlouf.
Zero-Hopf periodic orbit of a quadratic system of differential equations obtained from a third-order differential equation.
Differ. Equ. Dyn. Syst., 27, 75-82. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, Y. P. Martinez Mancilla, C. Vidal.
Phase portraits of linear type centers of polynomial Hamiltonian systems with Hamiltonian function of degree 5 of the form H=H_1(x)+H_2(y).
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 39(1), 75-133. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, M. Mousavi, A. Nabavi.
New family of centers of planar polynomial differential systems of arbitrary even degree.
J. Dyn. Control Syst., 25, 619-630. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, R. D. S. Oliveira, C. Valls.
Final evolutions for simplified multistrain/two-stream model for tuberculosis and dengue fever.
Chaos Solitons Fractals, 118, 181-186. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, E. Ponce, C. Valls.
Two limit cycles in Liénard piecewise linear differential systems.
J. Nonlinear Sci., 29, 1499-1522. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, R. O. Ramírez, V. Ramírez.
An inverse approach to the center problem.
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2), 68, 29-64. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, R. O. Ramírez, V. Ramírez.
Center problem for $\lambda$-$\Omega$ differential systems.
J. Differential Equations, 267, 6409-6446. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, T. Salhi.
The limit cycles of a class of quintic polynomial vector fields.
Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal., 54(2), 141-151. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, T. Salhi.
On the limit cycles surrounding a diagonalizable linear node with homogeneous nonlinearities.
Appl. Math. Lett., 98, 427-431. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, V. F. Sirvent.
On topological entropy, Lefschetz numbers and Lefschetz zeta functions.
Topology Appl., 268(106906), 1-14. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, Y. Tang.
Limit cycles of discontinuous piecewise quadratic and cubic polynomial perturbations of a linear center.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 24(4), 1769-1784. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, C. Valls.
Integrability of reversible and equivariant quadratic polynomial differential systems in the plane.
Rocky Mountain J. Math., 49(2), 579-591. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, C. Valls.
Periodic orbits of the planar anisotropic generalized Kepler problem.
J. Math. Phys., 60, 042901. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, C. Valls.
Global dynamics of the integrable Armbruster-Guckenheimer-Kim galactic potential.
Astrophys. Space Sci., 364(130), 1-6. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, C. Valls.
NEW 2025-01-02On the dynamics of the Szekeres system.
Phys. Lett. A, 383(4), 301-305. 2019.
J. Llibre, C. Vidal.
Periodic motion in non-axially symmetric galaxies.
J. Geom. Phys., 140, 1-9. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, P. Yuan.
Bicentric quadrilateral central configurations.
Appl. Math. Comput., 362, 124507: 1-7. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB
J. Llibre, P. Yuan.
Periodic orbits of the planar anisotropic Manev problem and of the perturbed hydrogen atom problem.
Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst., 18, 969-986. 2019.
[DOI]PreprintAbstractPreprint at DDDUAB