2283 publications found

J. D. García Saldaña, A. Gasull, H. Giacomini.
Bifurcation values for a familiy of planar vector fields of degree five.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 35(2), 669-701. 2015. [DOI]
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I. A. García, J. Llibre, S. Maza.
The Hopf cyclicity of the centers of a class of quintic polynomial vector fields.
J. Differential Equations, 258, 1990-2009. 2015. [DOI]
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I. A. García, J. Llibre, S. Maza.
Center cyclicity of a family of quintic polynomial vector fields.
In Proceedings of the XXIV Congress on Differential Equations and Applications/XIV Congress on Applied Mathematics, 689-692. Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz (Spain), 2015.
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A. Garijo.
Una mina d"or.
Mat. Mat., 15, 20pp. 2015.
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A. Garijo, S. Godillon.
On McMullen-like mappings.
J. Fractal Geom., 2, 249-279. 2015. [DOI]
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A. Gasull.
L’infinit i més enllà.
Mat. Mat., 2015, . 2015.
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A. Gasull.
Bótes i barrils.
Nou Biaix, 36, 8-28. 2015.
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A. Gasull.
Fórmules i filatèlia.
Notícies SCM, 37, 49-54. 2015.
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A. Gasull, H. Giacomini.
Explicit traveling waves and invariant algebraic curves.
Nonlinearity, 28, 1597-1606. 2015. [DOI]
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A. Gasull, M. Jolis, F. Utzet.
On the norming constants for normal maxima.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 422, 376-396. 2015. [DOI]
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A. Gasull, C. Li, J. Torregrosa.
Limit cycles for 3-monomial differential equations.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 428, 735-749. 2015. [DOI]
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A. Gasull, J. A. Lopez-Salcedo, F. Utzet.
Maxima of Gamma random variables and other Weibull like distributions and the Lambert W function.
TEST, 24(4), 714-733. 2015. [DOI]
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A. Gasull, J. Yu, X. Zhang.
Vector fields with homogeneous nonlinearities and many limit cycles.
J. Differential Equations, 258, 3286-3303. 2015. [DOI]
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A. Geyer, J. Villadelprat.
On the wave length of smooth periodic traveling waves of the Camassa-Holm equation.
J. Differential Equations, 259, 2317-2332. 2015. [DOI]
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J. Giné, M. Grau, J. Llibre.
Limit cycles bifurcating from planar polynomial quasi-homogeneous centers.
J. Differential Equations, 259, 7135-7160. 2015. [DOI]
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J. Giné, J. Llibre, C. Valls.
Centers and isochronous centers for generalized quintic systems.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 279, 173-186. 2015. [DOI]
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J. Giné, J. Llibre, C. Valls.
Centers for the Kukles homogeneous systems with odd degree.
Bull. London Math. Soc., 47(2), 315-324. 2015. [DOI]
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J. Ginoux, J. Llibre.
Canards existence in FitzHugh-Nagumo and Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal models.
Math. Probl. Eng., 2015(342010), 17pp.. 2015. [DOI]
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M. R. A. Gouveia, J. Llibre.
A survey on the set of periods of the graph homeomorphisms.
Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst., 14, 39-50. 2015. [DOI]
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M. R. A. Gouveia, J. Llibre, D. D. Novaes.
On limit cycles bifurcating from the infinity in discontinuous piecewise linear differential systems.
Appl. Math. Comput., 271, 365-374. 2015. [DOI]
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