Fields of Interest:
Generally in the field of complex dynamical systems, my research activities follow mainly two lines: dynamics of entire transcendental maps and quasi-conformal surgery. Related to the first area, I am interested in the complexification of analytic circle dipheomorphisms. I also worked on the parameter space of the exponential family, and on members of this family having Siegel discs. Other works are about Baker domains of general transcendental maps and more recently, Herman rings of meromorphic maps. Related to the second area, I apply quasi-conformal surgery as a mean of obtaining maps between parameter spaces, mainly polynomial parameter spaces.
Deputy Director of the Institut de Matemàtiques de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Delegate of the BGSMath for specific matters.
Board member of the Fundació Ferran Senyer i Balaguer.
Icrea Academia 2020
Editor of
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