Category: rubio

  • Generalized geometric structures and invariants on 3-manifolds

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    16 Jul 2024. Talk by Roberto Rubio at the Poisson Days at Trieste 2024 (SISSA). Abstract: Complex and symplectic manifolds are, in particular, generalized complex manifolds, a class that supersedes them: there exist neither complex nor symplectic manifolds that are generalized complex. This happens very tightly, as generalized complex manifolds must be almost complex (and…

  • Generalized metrics: slice theorem and moduli space

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    21 Feb 2024. Talk by Roberto Rubio at Mathematical Supergravity 2024. Abstract: Generalized geometry is a recent approach to geometric structures with the ability of uniting, for instance, complex and symplectic geometry. Many concepts, like diffeomorphism or metric, have their generalized counterpart, and some of them have found applications within mathematics and theoretical physics. In…

  • An introduction to generalized geometry, by R. Rubio

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    1 Feb 2024, 11h CET. Talk by Roberto Rubio. Abstract: We give an introduction to generalized geometry having in mind the several objectives of GENTLE.

  • Generalized geometry through Clifford algebra glasses

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    25 Jan 2024. Talk by Roberto Rubio at the Cable Car Algebra Seminar (Technion-UHaifa), University of Haifa. Abstract: Generalized geometry is a recent approach to geometric structures encompassing symplectic and complex geometry. At its heart lies a Clifford module, which is essentially a global version of the spin representation of the Clifford algebra. In this…

  • New geometric structures on 3-manifolds through generalized geometry

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    7 Sep 2023. Talk by Roberto Rubio at the Thematic section DGGA Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis of the Spanish+Polish mathematical meeting. Abstract: