
Invited talks

  • Ideal free quotients of Cuntz semigroups: the dynamical Cuntz semigroup, Minisymposium on Operator Algebras, 9ECM, July 15-19, 2024.
  • Pure C*-algebras, Noncommutativity in the North – MikaelFest, Chalmers University, June 17-20, 2024.
  • A notion of almost finiteness for C*-dynamical systems and categorical crossed products, C*-days in Prague, May 30-June 1, 2023.
  • An introduction to the modern theory of Cuntz semigroups (joint mini-course with Eusebio Gardella), Workshop Cuntz Semigroups 2022, Kiel University, September 19-23, 2022.
  • A notion of almost finiteness for C*-dynamical systems and its relation to dynamical strict comparison, The 17th Special Week on Operator Algebras, East China Normal University, August 1-5, 2022.
  • General quotient Cuntz semigroups and dynamical Cuntz semigroups, Worskhop Cuntz Semigroups 2021, Münster Universität, July 12-16, 2021.
  • Ultraproducts of C*-algebras, their Cuntz semigroups, and their (quasi)traces, International Conference in the Thematics Research Program: Operator Algebras, Groups, and applications to Quantum Information, June 17-21, 2019, ICMAT (Madrid).
  • C*-algebras of stable rank one and their Cuntz semigroup, Research school on evolution algebras and non associative algebraic structures, October 15-17, 2018, Universidad de Málaga.
  • Existence of infima in the Cuntz semigroup and applications to the structure of C*-algebras with stable rank one, IWOTA 2018, July 23-27, Shanghai.
  • The Cuntz semigroup as an invariant for C*-algebras, Mini-workshop on the Cuntz semigroup, June 18-20, 2018, University of Houston.
  • The dynamical Cuntz semigroup: some categorical aspects, Future targets in the classification program for amenable C*-algebras, September 4-8, 2017, BIRS (Banff).
  • The category of Cuntz semigroups, Czech-Slovenian-Austrian-Slovak-Catalan Mathematical Societies Meeting, Session on Applications of Categories in Algebra and Topology, September 20-23, 2016, IEC (Barcelona).
  • Near unperforation, almost unperforation, and almost algebraic order, Workshop on Classification and Dynamical Systems I, February 22-26, 2016, Mittag Leffler Institute (Stockholm).
  • Near unperforation for Z-stable C*-algebras, First Joint Meeting Brazil-Spain in Mathematics, Special Session in Operator Algebras, December 7-10, 2015, Fortaleza (Brazil).
  • Abstract bivariant Cuntz semigroups, Workshop on C*-algebras: Geometry and Actions, Focus Programme in C*-algebras, July 13-17, 2015, Münster Universität.
  • Tensor products in the category Cu and structure of Cu-semirings, Classification, Structure, Amenability, and Regularity Conference, September 1-5, 2014, University of Glasgow.
  • The Cuntz semigroup and its impact into classification, First Joint International Meeting RSME-SCM-SEMA-SIMAI-UMI, Special Session on Operator Algebras and Applications to Quantum Physics, June 30- July 1, 2014, Universidad del País Vasco (Bilbao).
  • Structural aspects of the category Cu, Workshop on C*-algebras and dynamical systems, June 16-20, 2014, The Fields Institute (Toronto).
  • Geometric structure of dimension functions of certain continuous fields, Classifying structures for Operator Algebras and Dynamical Systems, September 16-20, 2013, University of Aberystwyth.
  • Geometric structure of dimension functions on some C(X)-algebras, Graph algebras: Bridges between Leavitt path algebras and graph C*-algebras, April 21-26, 2013, BIRS (Banff).
  • Regularity properties of the Cuntz semigroup, The structure and classification of nuclear C*-algebras, April 15-19, 2013, ICMS (Edinburgh).
  • Semigroup valued lower semicontinuous functions (with applications to the Cuntz semigroup), Classification of amenable C*-algebras, September 19-24, 2010, BIRS (Banff).
  • Monoids of lower semicontinuous functions with applications to the Cuntz semigroup, Workshop on C*-algebras, September 7-10, 2010, The University of Nottingham.
  • The Cuntz semigroup, the corona factorization property, and completions of semigroups, Masterclass on the Classification of C*-algebras, November 16-27, 2009, University of Copenhagen.
  • Purely infinite corona algebras and the corona factorization property, Workshop on the Cuntz semigroup, November 2-6, 2009, AIM (Palo Alto).
  • The Cuntz semigroup and its impact into classification, II Encuentro Ibérico, October 3-5, 2008, Universidad de Extremadura.
  • Purely infinite corona algebras of simple stable C*-algebras, International Conference on Operator Algebras and Applications in Morocco, April 14-18, 2008, Marrakech.
  • Representing semigroups as semigroups of projections of C*-algebras, Workshop on Structure of C*-algebras, November 12-16, 2007, The Fields Institute (Toronto).
  • The quest for algebraic analogues: extremal richness, the QB-property, and non-stable K-theory, Symposium honoring the memory of G. K. Pedersen, April 29 to May 1, 2005, University of Copenhagen.
  • Multiplier algebras have algebraic cousins, 2nd Oresund Meeting in Non-commutative Analysis and Non-commutative Geometry, May 2, 2003, University of Copenhagen.
  • A closure operation in rings, 8th Danish-Norwegian Meeting on Operator Algebras, August 2001, Lysebu.
  • Extremally rich C*-algebras and their algebraic relatives, Symposium in honour of G. K. Pedersen’s 60th anniversary, May 2000, The Carlsberg Academy (Copenhagen).
  • Algebraic aspects in the classification of C*-algebras, C*-algebras at Queen’s, May 1999, Queen’s University Belfast.


  • Almost elementary dynamical systems, C*-dynamics and Set Theory in Paris, August 1-5, 2022.
  • The Cuntz semigroup and the category Cu, TACL 2017, June 26-30, Praha,
  • Inverse limits of rings and multiplier rings, British Mathematical Colloquium, April 2004, Queen’s University Belfast.
  • Límites inversos de anillos y anillos de multiplicadores, Octavas Jornadas Españolas en Teoría de Anillos, Febrere 2004, Universidad de Oviedo.
  • The exchange property for Gromov translation algebras, Algebras, Rings, and Modules, July 2003, University of Lisbon.
  • Analysing the ideal lattice of C*-algebras with real rank zero via AF algebras, Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras, May 2003, University College Cork.
  • Non-stable K-Theory and index theory for exchange rings and QB-rings, Algebra Conference, June 2002, Venice.
  • Stable finiteness of group rings in arbitrary characteristic, All Ireland Algebra Days, May 2001, Queen’s University Belfast.
  • Finitud estable para anillos de grupo en característica arbitraria, Sextas Jornadas Españolas en Teoría de Anillos, April 2001, Universidad de Almería.
  • Index Theory for exchange rings and C*-algebras with real rank zero, C*-algebras at Queen’s and North British Functional Analysis Seminar, May 2001, Queen’s University Belfast.
  • Teoría del índice para anillos de intercambio, Quintas Jornadas Españolas en Teoría de Anillos, March 2001, Universidad de Cádiz.
  • Extremal richness of multiplier and corona algebras for some simple C*-algebras with real rank zero, C*-algebras and their invariants, August 1998, University of Copenhagen.
  • Anillos de multiplicadores y anillos regulares, Terceras Jornadas Españolas en Teoría de Anillos, June 1998, Universidad de Granada.
  • Multipliers of von Neumann regular rings and C*-algebras, Ring Theory and Representations of Algebras, January 1998, Universidad de Murcia.
  • Ideales de anillos de multiplicadores de anillos regulares y C*-álgebras, Segundas Jornadas Españolas en Teoría de Anillos, April 1997, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (Barcelona).
  • Comparability relations for C*-algebras with real rank zero, Primeras Jornadas Españolas en Teoría de Anillos, April 1996, Universidad de Murcia.