CRM Research Programme for the academic year 2007-2008

Homotopy Theory and Higher Categories

Workshop on Topological and Differentiable Stacks


Mathieu Anel (CRM)
Title: Fundamental infinity-groupoid of stacks, and applications
Abstract: (joint work with J. Heller (UWO)) Using results of Dugger and Isaksen, we define an extension of the functor of singular chains from the category Top of locally contractible topological spaces to the model category of topological stacks (simplicial presheaves on Top with the projective local model structure) and establish its link with the cohomology with constant coefficients. As an application, given a topological group G, we compare three notions of classifying object for G: the classifying space, the classifying stack and the classifying homotopy type. To compare them we embed them in the category of topological stack and prove that although there are non equivalent as stacks, they have the same fundamental infinity-groupoid and thus the same cohomology with constant coefficients. Another application is a nice interpretation of the results of Henriques on integrating L-infinity algebras.

Ulrich Bunke (Universität Regensburg)
Title: Two-periodic twisted cohomology for topological stacks (I + II)
Abstract: Two periodic twisted de Rham cohmology has been introduced as the target of the Chern character from twisted, K-theory or to measure H-fluxes in string theory models with B-field. I will review a set-up for sheaf theory on topological stacks and then explain how one can construct a topological analog of twisted de Rham cohomology. Among other interesting features are a T-duality isomorphism and calculations for coefficients different from Q or R.

David Carchedi (Universiteit Utrecht)
Title: Foliations and Mapping Stacks of Groupoids
Abstract: This talk is about research in progress concerning the construction of a smooth moduli space for foliations of a manifold. It will be shown how the language of Lie Groupoids and smooth stacks gives a nice description of foliations. It will also be explained how the existence of an internal Hom in the 2-category of smooth Deligne-Mumford stacks could be used to construct a smooth Deligne-Mumford stack classifying all foliations of a fixed manifold. An internal Hom is then introduced in the 2-categories of topological orbispace stacks and topological Deligne-Mumford stacks by constructing a topological groupoid presentation of each mapping stack through the use of Hilsum-Skandalis bibundles. It is then shown that each of these 2-categories of topological stacks is Cartesian closed. Finally, it is indicated how this machinery can then be used to construct a topological Deligne-Mumford stack classifying all foliations of a smooth manifold.
Erratum from David Carchedi (2009-07-27): The 2-category of topological stacks is not cartesian closed in the naive sense. For the correct statement see ArXiv:0907.3925.

David Gepner (University of Sheffield)
Title: Orbivariant homotopy theory (Talk I)
Abstract: The basic building blocks of equivariant homotopy theory are the principal homogeneous G-spaces G/H, for H a closed subgroup of a fixed topological group G. For many purposes, however, one must allow G to vary, in which case it may be more convenient to consider the following generalization: let Orb denote the category of orbit stacks (of which the G-orbits G/H are special cases), and consider the category of presheaves of spaces on Orb, viewed as a topological category. This category has a natural homotopy theory which simultaneously encapsulates all of the equivariant categories as well as the homotopy theory of orbifolds. This is joint work with André Henriques.

David Gepner (University of Sheffield)
Title: Elliptic cohomology of orbifolds (Talk II)
Abstract: Recent work of J. Lurie on topological modular forms shows that elliptic cohomology is naturally defined on orbifolds, or even the more general subcategory of stacks whose stabilizers are compact Lie groups. In this talk we will review some aspects of the theory of elliptic cohomology and its orbivariant extensions. In particular we will focus on the Witten genus and its topological manifestation as the string orientation.

Jeffrey Giansiracusa (University of Oxford)
Title: Pontrjagin-Thom maps and the homology of the moduli stack of stable curves (I+II)
Abstract: A Pontrjagin-Thom map is a homotopy-theoretic wrong-way map: an embedding f: M→ N leads to a homotopy class from N to the one-point compactification of the normal bundle of f. If f is merely an immersion then one obtains a stable homotopy class. This construction can be extended to the category of local quotient stacks. The boundary of the Deligne-Mumford compactification is a union of substacks which are images of immersions. The Pontrjagin-Thom maps associated to these immersions produce large new families of classes in the mod p homology of these moduli stacks.

Gustavo Granja (IST, Lisboa)
Title: The stack of complex structures
Abstract: I will discuss work in progress aiming at obtaining conditions for the existence of a smooth holomorphic stack classifying complex structures on a closed smooth manifold. I will also explain how it follows from work with Abreu and Kitchloo that in certain simple examples the homotopy type associated to certain open substacks of this stack is the classifying space of the symplectomorphism group determined by a suitable symplectic form on the manifold.

Richard Hepworth (University of Sheffield)
Title: Orbifold Morse Inequalities (Talk I)
Orbifold Morse-Smale-Witten Theory (Talk II)
Abstract: The Morse Inequalities relate the Betti numbers of a manifold to the critical points of a Morse Function on the manifold. More powerfully, the Witten Complex computes the homology of a manifold using the critical points and gradient lines of a Morse-Smale Function on the manifold. In these two talks I will explain how these results extend to differentiable Deligne-Mumford stacks, where we obtain information on the homology of the classifying space, the inertia stack, and on the inertia string product of Behrend et. al. I will also explain how this is motivated by Chen-Ruan cohomology and the `crepant resolution conjecture'.

Sharon Hollander (IST, Lisboa)
Title: Applications of Homotopy Theory of Stacks (I+ II)
Abstract: I will describe the homotopy theory of stacks and explain how algebraic stacks can be natural seen in this context. A consequence of this perspective will be certain criteria for the algebraicity of a stack.

Noah Kieserman (University of Madison-Wisconsin)
Title: Obstruction of coisotropic submanifolds and Haefliger's integration-over-leaves map
Abstract: The L-infinity-algebra governing deformations of coisotropic submanifolds of symplectic manifolds is known quite explicitly, due to Oh and Park. Coisotropics are canonically foliated, and the L-infinity-operators involve several structures which may be defined for a general foliated manifold. In proving obstructedness results for a specific family of examples, we make heavy use of Haefliger's integration-over-leaves map, raising the possibility that these structures may be most naturally defined on some fine model for the leaf space.

Anders Kock (Aarhus Universitet)
Title: Colimit aspects of certain stacks
Abstract: I shall describe how certain stacks associated to differentiable groupoids may be viewed as a definite kind of 2-dimensional coequalizer in a suitable 2-category.

Behrang Noohi (Florida State University)
Title: String Topology for Stacks (I + II)
Abstract: String topology (Chas-Sullivan, Cohen, Jones,...) studies the homology of the loop space of a manifold by exploiting the so-called string operations. With the goal of producing an equivariant version of the theory, we formulate string topology for topological stacks and prove the existence of string operations under certain natural hypotheses. As a consequence, we obtain equivariant string topology for compact Lie group actions on manifolds. This is a joint work with K. Behrend, G. Ginot, and P. Xu. There are two technical tools that are used in this work: homotopy theory of topological stacks and Fulton-MacPherson bivaraint theories. I will give a quick introduction to these topics as well.

Dmitry Roytenberg (IHES)
Title: Differential graded manifolds and higher Lie theory
Abstract: The notion of differential graded manifold extends that of a manifold as far as differential calculus is concerned, and also that of a Lie algebra or algebroid. For example, Hitchin's "generalized geometry" is the geometry associated to a certain class of dg-manifolds. Severa recently showed that dg manifolds arise naturally as first-order approximations to Kan simplicial manifolds. The natural question is whether every dg-manifold arises in this way. To this end, for every dg-manifold I define a simplicial presheaf on the site of smooth manifolds and conjecture that it is objectwise-fibrant and satisfies descent for hypercovers. One then asks whether there exists an integer n such that the nth truncation of this presheaf is equivalent to one presented by a finite-dimensional simplicial manifold. I will give examples of when this is known to be the case and discuss possible strategies for attacking the general problem.

Zoran Škoda (IRB, Zagreb)
Title: Categorifications of equivariant sheaves and quotients
Abstract: Principal G-bundles have their analogues in higher categorical situations as well as in noncommutative geometry. Less studied, but of central importance is to understand the analogues of equivariant sheaves on the 2-group torsors and on the noncommutative torsors; as well as the appropriate version of descent along torsors. There are several technical devices introduced in our work in progress. First of all, is constructon of an appropriate 2-category of G-equivariant objects in a 2-fibered 2-category, where G is a monoidal category acting on an object in the base 2-category. Second, the study of actions and equivariant objects is done in relative setup, and certain distributive laws play role in such geometrical situations. The descent along torsors itself is very parallel to the classical case. I will sketch few examples and applications.


Last updated: 2009-07-27 by Joachim Kock.