Euler Systems – Introduction
We will start looking at the second part of “L-functions and Euler systems: a tale in two trilogies” (available at, and distributing talks.
Hida-Rankin p-adic L-function
Second talk of the learning seminar on the Tale on 2 trilogies.
The Elliptic Stark Conjecture I
The Elliptic Stark Conjecture II
p-adic Hodge theory
p-adic Hodge theory (II)
The spaces of nearly holomorphic and nearly overconvergent modular forms
Beilinson-Flach classes
Gross-Kudla-Schoen diagonal cycles
p-adic L-functions for CM Fields (I)
Introductory talk of the working group on Katz’s paper “p-adic L-functions for CM fields”.