Ramification of the Eigencurve at classical RM points
J.Bellaïche and M.Dimitrov have shown that the p-adic eigencurve is smooth but not étale over the weight space at p-regular theta series attached to a character of a real quadratic field F in which p splits.
p-adic modular forms over unitary Shimura curves
We study some p-adic properties of modular forms over unitary Shimura curves, including a description of their relation with automorphic representations via p-adic Hodge theory, overconvergence and classicality, and p-adic families.
Triple product p-adic L-functions
We consider three Coleman families of modular forms and we would like to construct a p-adic L-function interpolating the algebraic part of central values of the triple product L-function attached to these families and classical weights.
Around Kolyvagin’s conjecture and the Bloch-Kato formula for modular forms
Factorisation of base-change Bianchi p-adic L-functions
Shalika models and p-adic L-functions
The Bloch-Kato parity conjecture for some Hilbert modular forms