
Mailing address:
Despatx C1/318
Departament de matemàtiques
Edifici C Facultat de Ciències
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
(+34) 93 581 29 09
Research interests:

Harmonic analysis, Complex analysis, Geometric measure theory, Sobolev spaces on domains, Inverse problems, singular integrals, free boundary problems, Harmonic measure.

About me

Nowadays I work as “professor agregat” (professor) in Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Previously lecturer in UB, researcher in UAB with project Singular integrals, harmonic measure and free boundary problems (Juan de la Cierva incorporación), postdoc fellow at Quasiconformal methods in analysis and applications (ERC Advanced Grant), Geometric Analysis in the Euclidean Space (ERC Advanced Grant) and Geometric function theory, inverse problems and fluid dynamics (ERC Starting Grant)