Student Awards

Students attending the Workshop have the possibility to compete for the Best IWSM 2007 Student Paper, for the Best IWSM 2007 Student Presentation and for the Best IWSM 2007 Student Poster awards.

To be considered for these awards, submitted abstracts must make it clear that the author is a student. Confirmation of this student status will be required during registration.

Best IWSM 2007 Student Paper

This award includes the publication of the paper in the Sociey's journal Statistical Modelling, subject to prior agreement from the author/authors. The Best IWSM 2007 Student Paper will be selected through a multi layer process as follows:

  1. The Scientific Committee will select the three best abstracts from those submitted. These three students will have free registration at the IWSM 2007 including waiver of "Short Course" fee.
  2. The final papers and the oral presentations given during the regular sessions of the IWSM 2007 will be evaluated by the Student Workshop Panel together with representatives of the Editors of Statistical Modelling. Only one winner will be selected.
  3. The winner will be invited to prepare an extended paper based on feedback from the meeting. This paper will then go through an editorial process of review and revision and will be fast-tracked for publication in the journal.

Best IWSM 2007 Student Presentation

Students participating in IWSM 2007 with an oral presentation will compete automatically for the Best IWSM 2007 Student Presentation award. The presentations will be evaluated by the Student Workshop Panel independently of the Best IWSM 2007 Student Paper award, but all oral presentations will be eligible. Only one winner will be selected.

Best IWSM 2007 Student Poster

Students participating in IWSM 2007 with a poster presentation will compete automatically for the Best IWSM 2007 Student Poster award. The posters will be evaluated by the Student Workshop Panel and three winners will be selected:

  • 1 for the best overall poster
  • 1 for the best poster presentation
  • 1 for best scientific content

This file last modified 12/11/06