Efficient calculation of theta functions attached to p-adic Schottky groups
Seminari de Geometria Algebraica, Barcelona. November 2024 | Slides | Handout
Numerical experiments with Plectic Stark-Heegner points
LFANT seminar, Bordeaux (online). April 2021 | Slides | Handout
Sabem resoldre equacions de tercer grau?
Dissabtes de les Matemàtiques. UAB, April 2021 | Slides | Handout
Las funciones L en la teoría de números
Real Academia de ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales (online). February 2021 | Slides | Handout
Quaternionic rigid meromorphic cocycles
Groningen research group seminar (online). January 2021 | Slides | Handout
Quaternionic rigid meromorphic cocycles
CMS Winter Meeting, Canada (online). December 2020 | Slides | Handout
Variations on the method of Coleman-Chabauty
Seminari de Teoria de Nombres STNB19. Barcelona, January 2019 | Slides | Handout
Towards a theory of p-adic singular moduli attached to global fields
Automorphic Forms and Related Topics. Budapest, July 2018 | Slides | Handout
(International) Academic Career
BGSMath/UAB. Bellaterra, January 2018 | Slides | Handout
Rational points on elliptic curves
Cuarto Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores. Valencia, September 2017 | Slides | Handout
Distributing Sage/Python code the right way
Sage Days 87. p-adics, Burlington, Vermont, July 2017 | Slides | Handout
Traces of rationality of Darmon points
Seminari de Teoria de Nombres STNB17. Barcelona, January 2017 | Slides | Handout
p-adic periods of abelian varieties attached to GL2-automorphic forms
Automorphic Forms: Theory and Computation. London, September 2016 | Slides | Handout
Computing p-adic periods of abelian surfaces from automorphic forms
Automorphic Forms and Related Topics. Sarajevo, July 2016 | Slides | Handout
Non-archimedean construction of elliptic curves and abelian surfaces
Modular forms and curves of low genus: computational aspects. ICERM, Sep 2015 | Slides | Handout
Analytic construction of points on modular elliptic curves
Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores RSME. Múrcia, September 2015 | Slides | Handout
Analytic construction of points on modular elliptic curves
Number Theory Study Group. University of York, May 2015 | Slides | Handout
Darmon points for number fields of mixed signature
London Number Theory Seminar. University College London, February 2015 | Slides | Handout
Non-archimedean construction of elliptic curves and rational points
Number Theory Seminar. Sheffield, December 2014 | Slides | Handout
Analytic construction of elliptic curves and rational points
Number Theory Seminar. Bristol, December 2014 | Slides | Handout
p-adic integration and elliptic curves over number fields
p-adic Methods in Number Theory. Milano, October 2014 | Slides | Handout
Darmon Points for fields of mixed signature
Automorphi Forms and Related Topics. Bristol University, July 2014 | Slides | Handout
Darmon Points for fields of mixed signature
FJIM. Bilbo, July 2014 | Slides | Handout
Darmon Points for fields of mixed signature
Number Theory Seminar. Cambridge University, May 2014 | Slides | Handout
Darmon Points in mixed signature
Number Theory Seminar. Warwick University, Jan. 2014 | Slides | Handout
A Unified Perspective for Darmon Points
CMS Winter Meeting. Ottawa, Dec. 2013 | Slides | Handout
Darmon Points: an Overview
Effective Methods for Darmon Points. Benasque, August 2013 | Slides | Handout
Numerical Evidence for Darmon Points
MEGA. Frankfurt, Jun. 2013 | Slides | Handout
Quaternionic Modular Symbols in Sage
Sage Days 44. Madison, Feb. 2013 | Slides | Handout