Given an arithmetic group G, there are two classical Hecke modules associated to G that are of central importance to number theory. Namely, the space of cusp forms associated to G (with fixed weight) and the cohomology of the arithmetic manifold M associated to G (with coefficients in a fixed local system). The Eichler-Shimura isomorphism…

Calendari 6 de febrer: Oriol Fernández 20 de febrer: Marc Felipe 20 de març: Sergi Burniol (a IMUB – UB) 3 d’abril: Víctor Hernández (+ Santi Molina) 17 d’abril: Carles Checa (+ Óscar Rivero) 15 de maig: Raúl Alonso (+ Francesc Fité) 29 de maig: Daniel Gil 12 de juny: Pol Torrent