Venerucci’s proof of the Mazur-Tate-Teitelbum conjecture in rank 1
Kolyvagin’s Theorem II
Hida-Rankin p-adic L-function
Second talk of the learning seminar on the Tale on 2 trilogies.
The Elliptic Stark Conjecture II
p-adic L-functions for CM fields (Talk 1)
Hilbert Modular Forms
Some new Hecke modules for arithmetic groups coming from C*-algebras
Given an arithmetic group G, there are two classical Hecke modules associated to G that are of central importance to number theory. Namely, the space of cusp forms associated to G (with fixed weight) and the cohomology of the arithmetic manifold M associated to G (with coefficients in a fixed local system). The Eichler-Shimura isomorphism…
Baby seminar: Corbes el·líptiques: grup de Selmer i grup de Shafarevich
L’objectiu de la sessió serà introduir eines útils pel càlcul de punts racionals d’una corba el·líptica.
p-adic L-functions for CM fields (Talk 3)
p-adic Hilbert Modular Forms.
p-adic L-functions for CM fields (Talk 5)
Towards a theory of p-adic singular moduli attached to global fields
Recently, H.Darmon and J.Vonk have introduced a construction of “p-adic singular moduli” for real quadratic fields.