Optimisation (2013/14)

Master's degree in Modelling for Science and Engineering

C learning

Combinatorial Algorithms for graphs


Dijkstra Algorithm:
Solve the project proposed here.
A* Algorithm:
Routing problem: Barcelona-Sevilla; the data map of spain can be downloaded from here (348.5Mb).

Genetic Algorithms


First exercise (compulsory part): The traveling salesman problem
A traveling salesman must visit all cities appearing in the table of distances between European cities starting and ending in Barcelona. He travels by car. Use a GA to compute the optimum route according to driving distance. Se also the "ad-hoc" crossover operations above.
Second exercise (optional part): Maximizing a function
Maximization of a (complicate and artificial) function by a genetic algorithm

Simulated Annealing


Write a program that solves the n queens problem in a chessbord of dimension n x n with n from 8 to 16. Compare and discuss the difficulty of the problem in terms of n and the obtained results.

Ant colony algorithms


Solve the traveling salesman problem stated in Genetic Algorithms by using an Ant Colony System. Take edge probabilities of the form stated in page 249 of the [Dorigo, Blum] paper.

Neural Networks for Combinatorial Optimization


Find the minimum vertex covering of all graphs from the first assignment (Dijkstra Algorithm) by using a Hopfield Neural Network.


The list of assignments that will be proposed is the following:
Assignment Status  Deadline  Weight in the final mark
Dijkstra Algorithm Compulsory November 12, 2014 15%
Map routing (A* algorithm) Compulsory January 31st, 2014 40%
Genetic Algorithm Compulsory January 31st, 2014 30%
Genetic Algorithm (2nd) Optional January 31st, 2014 Together increment the final mark up to 20%
Simulated Annealing Optional January 31st, 2014
Ant Colony Algorithm Optional February 28, 2014
Neural Networks Compulsory March, 31st 15%