Seminars in honor of retirement of Professor Joaquim Bruna, Wednesday May 29, 2024

On Wednesday May 29, we celebrate the retirement of Prof. Joaquim Bruna at the UAB with a double session of the Barcelona Analysis seminar. The talks will occur at the CRM A1 room at the UAB, from 16h00 to 18h30. Please see the announcement pdfs below. For more information, please contact Artur Nicolau, Joan Mateu, or the organizers of the Barcelona Analysis seminar.

Barcelona Analysis Conference 2024, June 03 – June 07

This is the fourth edition of the Barcelona Analysis Conference organized by the Barcelona Analysis Seminar.

The Analysis Seminar of Barcelona is integrated by the different research groups in Mathematical Analysis of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Universitat de Barcelona (UB) and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). The main objectives of the congress are to promote research work in Mathematical Analysis, which in Catalonia has great scientific prestige, to promote the exchange of knowledge and results with the most important researchers at the international level, and facilitate the dissemination of the latest advances obtained in the field of Mathematical Analysis.

It is intended to encourage the participation of young researchers, to whom the conference is specially addressed.