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Generalized geometry for 3-manifolds, Poisson 2022 conference. An introduction to generalized geometry through differential forms and an account on the progress towards an open question since 2012.

2024 Generalized metrics: slice theorem and moduli space

2022 New approaches to geometric structures: generalized and complex Dirac geometry

2022 Generalized geometry for 3-manifolds.
2019 Canonical metrics on holomorphic Courant algebroids.
2018 On exceptional symmetric Gelfand pairs.

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2015 Geometric structures in Bn-geometry.
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2015 SU(3)-holonomy, Strominger&generalized Killing spinors.
2012 Higgs bundles and hermitian symmetric spaces

15 Jul 2024. Generalized geometric structures and invariants on 3-manifolds Poisson Days, IGAP SISSA-ICTP, Trieste.

13 May 2024. New geometric structures on 3-manifolds from generalized geometry , Generalized Geometry meets String Theory conference, BIRS-IMAG, Granada.

21 Feb 2024. Generalized metrics: slice theorem and moduli space, Mathematical Supergravity, UNED, Madrid.

25 Jan 2024. Generalized geometry through Clifford algebra glasses, Cable Car Algebra Seminar, University of Haifa.

4-8 Sep 2023. New geometric structures on 3-manifolds through generalized geometry, Spanish-Polish Mathematical Meeting RSME SEMA SCM PTM, invited to Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis session.

5 Sep 2022. New approaches to geometric structures: generalized and complex Dirac geometry. BMS-BGSMath Junior Meeting.

8 Mar 2022. Canonical metrics on holomorphic Courant algebroids. Generalized Ricci flow seminar.

16 Dec 2021 Generalized complex geometry and three-manifolds in the Real and complex geometry seminar, Tel-Aviv University

1-3 Dec 2021 Mini-course 'Generalized geometry and complex Dirac structures' in the International Young Researchers Workshop on Geometry, Mechanics and Control, CRM. Videos here.

13 Jul 2021. Complex Dirac structures: invariants and local structure, Young Researchers' Virtual Multisymplectic Geometry Conference, Saint Petersburg State University

15 Jun 2020. Higher Complex Dirac structures. Young Researchers' Virtual Multisymplectic Geometry Conference, East China Normal University.

4 May 2020. Generalized diffeomorphisms acting on generalized metrics. Research seminar on differential geometry, Universität Hamburg.

25-26 Jun 2019. Higgs bundles, the Toledo invariant, and the Cayley correspondence. Two invited lectures at Stability of bundles Vs. varieties, Brest (France).

14 Jun 2019. An introduction to generalized geometry Joint algebraic geometry seminar of Barcelona.

10 Apr 2019. Canonical metrics on holomorphic Courant algebroids. Invited talk at Meeting of the Spanish Geometric Analysis Network, Murcia.

22 Nov 2018. From classical structures to Dirac structures and generalized complex geometry. Seminari de Geometria, UAB.

6 Nov 2018. A taste of generalized complex geometry. BGSMath 2018 Junior Meeting, University of Barcelona. Invited to short talk.

4 Sep 2017. Lagrangian is too strong for higher Poisson and higher Dirac. IV Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores, University of Valencia. Invited speaker to parallel session.

4 Sep 2017. An introduction to Higgs bundles via surface group representations and a bit of Jordan algebras. IV Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores, University of Valencia. Invited speaker to parallel session.

15 Mar 2017. Higher analogues of symplectic, Poisson and Dirac structures. Geometry and Topology Seminar, UFRJ.

8 Mar 2017. Surface group representations, Higgs bundles and the Toledo invariant. Algebra seminar, IMPA.

10 Feb 2017. Some recent developments in generalized geometry and Dirac structures. Quinzena de Geometria, UFRJ.

13 Dec 2016. The moduli space of generalized metrics on an exact Courant algebroid. Invited to Conference on String Geometries and Dualities (Australia-Brazil meeting), IMPA. Video of the talk here.

6 Dec 2016. The Toledo invariant through the Toledo character, and maximal Higgs bundles. Invited to the thematic session on Algebraic Geometry, II Congresso Brasileiro de Jovens Pesquisadores em Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Campinas.

14 Jul 2016. The Toledo invariant and the Cayley correspondence for Higgs bundles. Invited to the thematic session Higgs bundles, instantons and real character varieties, V Latin American Congress of Mathematicians (CLAM).

12 Jul 2016. Higher-Dirac structures and their foliated geometry. Invited to the thematic session Geometric structures in Mathematical Physics, V Latin American Congress of Mathematicians (CLAM).

07 Dec 2015. Geometric structures in Bn-geometry. Invited to the special session Geometric structures on manifolds, First joint meeting SBM - SBMAC - RSME, Fortaleza.

3 Nov 2015. Milnor-Wood inequality for Higgs bundles and the Cayley correspondence. Invited to Higher Teichmüller theory and Higgs bundles- Interactions and new trends, University of Heidelberg.

06 Aug 2015. Geometria Generalizada: do bem básico ao sistema de Strominger. Departamento de Física, UFPE, Recife.

30 Jul 2015. SU(3)-holonomy, Strominger and generalized Killing spinors. Invited to 30 Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemáticas, IMPA.

23 Jun 2015. From the Strominger system to generalized geometry. Invited speker to the III Workshop on Poisson Geometry and related topics, IMECC, Campinas.

1 Apr 2014. Retorciendo la geometría generalizada hasta la T-dualidad.
Seminario de Geometría y Topología, UCM, Madrid.

31 Mar 2014. Pares o nones en geometría generalizada compleja.
Seminario de Geometría, ICMAT, Madrid.

24 Feb 2014. The odds (and evens) of generalized complex geometry.
Geometry Seminar, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.

15 Oct 2013. Not-so-odd generalized geometry.
Invited to the Geometry + Mathematical Physics Seminar, SISSA, Trieste, Italy.

19 Sep 2013. El carácter de Toledo y la correspondencia de Cayley para fibrados de Higgs, 2 Congreso Jóvenes Investigadores RSME, University of Seville, Spain. Invited speaker to parallel session.

13 Sep 2012. Maximal Higgs bundles and the Cayley transform, Indo-Spanish Conference on Geometry and Analysis, dedicated to Prof. Narasimhan for its 80th birthday, ICMAT, Madrid. Invited speaker.

7 Aug 2012. Higgs bundles and Hermitian symmetric spaces, GEAR Retreat 2012, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. Invited speaker.

2 Apr 2012. B_n-Generalized geometry and G2(2)-structures YRM 2012, Bristol.

16 Feb 2012. Generalized Geometry - a starter course, Junior Geometry and Topology Seminar, Mathematical Institute, Oxford.

27 Jun 2011. Higgs bundles and Hermitian symmetric spaces, VBAC 2011, Newton Institute, Cambridge.

7 Jun 2011. Generalized Bn-geometry, GEOMAPS retreat/workshop 2011, Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus.

14 Apr 2011. Deconstructing Cayley (transform), Young Researchers in Mathematics, University of Warwick.

31 Mar 2011. From the Cayley transform to Higgs bundles, TCC Geometry Day 2011, Imperial College, London.

2010 Higgs bundles and generalized Cayley correspondence, International Congress of Mathematicians, Hyderabad (India).


2009 Transforming the Cayley transform, Seminaire des Thésards, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris.

2009 Exceptional Hermitian symmetric spaces and Higgs bundles, Higgs bundle spring day, ICMAT CSIC-UAM-UC3M-UCM, Madrid.

2009 G-Higgs bundles: Toledo, Milnor, Wood, Cayley, E6 and E7, Geometry and Topology Seminar, Centro da Matemática (University of Porto).

2008 Hermitian G-Higgs bundles exceptionally flavoured, Junior Geometry and Topology Seminar, Mathematical Institute (University of Oxford).

2008 Representación simbólica de la realidad acústica, Residencia de Estudiantes, Madrid.

2008 Introducción a los fibrados de Higgs, ICMAT.

2006 Álgebras de Lie nilpotentes, resolubles, semisimples y reductivas, Junior Geometry Seminar of ICMAT.

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