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I am always willing to supervise research projects
in my areas of interest and expertise at any level.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Filip Moučka (CTU Prague, UAB), Phd Student, cosupervised with B. Jurčo.

Jaime Pedregal Pastor (Universiteit Utrecht, UAB), PhD Student, cosupervised with G. Cavalcanti.

Tom Ariel (KU Leuven, UAB), PhD Student, cosupervised with M Zambon.

Unai Lejarza Alonso (UB), MSc Student.

Currently supervising five more BSc students on the subjects of deformation quantization, reinforcement learning (foundations, applications in graph theory and matrix multiplication), large language models and expressivity of neural networks.

Dan Agüero (IMPA), Complex Dirac structures with constant real index, jointly with H. Bursztyn. 4th September 2020. The preprint that stemmed from this thesis is arXiv:2105.05265 [math.DG].

Jaime Pedregal Pastor (Universiteit Utrecht), MSc Student, cosupervised with G. Cavalcanti, July 2023.

Tom Ariel (Weizmann Institute), MSc Student, cosupervised with D. Novikov, November 2023.

Francisco Sánchez (UB), T-duality through generalized geometry, jointly with I. Mundet, 23rd September 2020.
Young Min Kim (UAB), Exceptional Generalized Geometry, Topological p-branes and Wess-Zumino-Witten term (MSc in high energy physics, astrophysics and cosmology IFAE-ICE-UAB), 7th September 2020.

Adrià Marín (UAB), On the canonical contact structure of the space of null geodesics of a spacetime (Min. of Education collaboration grant), July 2021.
Jaime Pedregal (UAB), From symplectic to Poisson, a study of reduction and a proposal towards implosion, July 2021.
Àlex Miranda (UAB), Constructible polygons beyond ruler and compass (in Catalan), July 2020.
Núria Sauló (UAB), Musical dissonance from a mathematical viewpoint (in Catalan), July 2020.
Maria Conde(UAB) , Fractals and superfractals (in Catalan), July 2022.
Andrea González (UAB), Visualization and axiomatic system of the hyperbolic plane (in Catalan), July 2022.
Andreu Quesada (UAB), AI as a guide to mathematical intuition, September 2023. Anna Zhi Nofuentes(UAB) , Musical temperament, continuous fractions and the 53-note scale (in Catalan), July 2023.
Alicia Chimeno (UAB), Machine learning: mathematical foundations, July 2023. Jordi Puigdefàbregas (UAB), Complex Dirac structures, September 2023.
Miquel Rovira (UAB), Applications of game theory to musical composition, July 2023.

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