Seminar (Operator Algebras)

Joan Bosa (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Stable elements and property (S)

Abstract: We study the relation (and differences) between stability and Property (S) in the simple and stably finite framework. This leads us to characterize stable elements in terms of its support, and study these concepts from different sides : hereditary subalgebras, projections in the multiplier algebra and order properties in the Cuntz semigroup. We use these  approaches to show both that cancellation at infinity on the Cuntz semigroup just holds when its Cuntz equivalence is given by isomorphism at the level of Hilbert right-modules, and that different notions as Regularity, -comparison, Corona Factorization Property, property R, etc.. are equivalent under mild assumptions.

Seminar (Ring Theory)

Román Álvarez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Non-Finitely Generated Projective Modules over Integral Group Rings

Abstract: We introduce a relative version of the big projective modules introduced by Bass, which is an example of a non-finitely generated projective module. We develop the general theory of I-big projective modules introduced by Pavel Príhoda (2010). We inquire more deeply in a correspondence between countably generated projective modules over a ring R and finitely generated projective modules over a ring R modulo an ideal I and generalize it into an equivalence of categories as it is done by Herbera-Príhoda-Wiegand in a recent preprint (2020). Finally, we approach I-big projective modules over well-known rings in order to give an explicit example of the construction of non-finitely generated projective modules over the integral group ring ZA5, where A5 denotes the alternating group on 5 letters.