Seminar (Operator Algebras)

Joachim Zacharias (University of Glasgow)

On a finite section method to approximate exact C*-algebras

Abstract: Exact C*-algebras are an important class of C*-algebras which is closed under subalgebras and contains all nuclear C*-algebras. A basic result due to Kirchberg asserts that any such separable C*-algebra is a sub-quotient of a UHF-algebra.

We give a short survey on exact C*-algebras, indicating a simplified ‘finite-section’ approach to Kirchberg’s basic result and outline possible applications, including a Stone-Weierstrass type Theorem for exact C*-algebras.

Seminar (Operator Algebras)

Francesc Perera (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

The dynamical Cuntz semigroup and crossed products

Abstract: In this talk I shall discuss the definition of dynamical subequivalence for open subsets of a compact topological space and its natural counterpart involving Cuntz subequivalence. This will lead to the definition of the dynamical Cuntz semigroup. I will mention how this semigroup is related to the construction of crossed products in various categories. This is part of joint work with J. Bosa, J. Wu, and J. Zacharias, and also R. Antoine and H. Thiel.